Stopwatch tells the truth by Fred Deckert

Stopwatch tells the truth By Fred Deckert When Dylan Thomas wrote “Rage, rage against the dying of the light,” he was probably not thinking of running or athletic problems. But, paraphrasing him, “Rage, rage against the slowing of the pace”...

Local runners far flung by Dana Stetson

Local runners far flung  By Dana Stetson Tallahassee’s runners are scattered to the four corners of the world this weekend. Among our sport travelers; Felton Wright is in Hawaii for the Ironman, in iron shape. His performance is bound to be his best.Jeff Bryan...

Training like an Olympian by Gary Droze

Training like an Olympian By Gary Droze Every season, the major running publications trot out six-month training plans designed to put racers on the path to a personal record (PR). While these plans are typically well-constructed, they also presume that we are sitting...

What the marathon means by Fred Deckert

What the marathon means By Fred Deckert It’s that time of year again when a lot of local runners are starting their late fall and winter marathon training, the only reasonable time to do so in this area. Perhaps it’s also a good time to discuss what the...

Finish line behavior by Dana Stetson

Finish line behavior By Dana Stetson If you ever have an opportunity to watch the finish of any large race, you will get to see all kinds of what race anthropologists call mighty bizarre finish line behavior. One prime example of this is what I call the hard-core...

Living in the present by Dana Stetson

Living in the present By Dana Stetson For any long race, it’s important to remember there are two parts to training, the physical and the mental. The physical aspect is the most obvious. You must train to the point where you have the ability to cover the...