Should runners pump iron? by Gary Droze

Should runners pump iron? By Gary Droze Can strength training – an activity associated with those who stand and fight – benefit distance runners, whose chief objective is to improve their ability to flee? Opinions run the gamut, and the pantheon of running...

Alternate exercise helps injured by Fred Deckert

Alternate exercise helps injured By Fred Deckert Injured runners are a pathetic group. Often when they feel the need for enough exercise to overcome their guilt complex they turn to biking or swimming for pain free workouts. Then the problem arises regarding how much...

Learn from limits by Dana Stetson

Learn from limits By Dana Stetson I recently read a book titled “To Engineer is Human” by Henry Petroski. His theme was to show how failure was the most important force in learning how to successfully create new designs. After thinking about the subject...

Most favorite/least favorite workouts by Gary Droze

Most favorite/least favorite workouts  By Gary Droze At a recent coaches’ clinic, I was asked to describe which workouts I considered most important for a distance runner bent on improvement. I replied without hesitation that I considered the most important...

Boston lowers qualifying times for “seniors” by Fred Deckert

Boston lowers qualifying times for “seniors” By Fred Deckert  Evidently the Boston Marathon is going after the senior set in 2003. For those of you still not in the know, standards have been lowered, starting with 45 year olds. They will get another 5...

Summer Grand Prix is here by Dana Stetson

Summer Grand Prix is here By Dana Stetson The heat is upon us and that can mean only one thing (the sun has gone nova and we will soon become cooked trout). No, it means that summer Grand Prix track season is here at last. This is a track series with two alternating...