December 11, 2002 Business Meeting Hosted by Judy Alexander & Brian Corbin

Board/GWTC Members present: Paul Hiers, Lisa Unger, David Yon, Lynn Powell, Bob Prentiss, Jeff Bryan, Jerry Ongley, Jane Johnson, Mike Sims, Charlie Yates, Judy Alexander & Brian Corbin

Jane Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm and quorum was established. The November minutes were read and accepted.


Mike Sims presented the budget for the Annual Awards ceremony to be held 1/30/03. The budget will be forwarded to Jane for inclusion in the 2003 General Operating Budget. Discussion was held about changing the name of the Volunteer of the Year award to the Bill Lott Volunteer of the Year award. Discussion was held about having guest speakers at the awards ceremony. It was decided that the Grand Prix committee must approve all guests before they can be included.

David Yon reported that the race scoring software was used to score the 10-Mile Challenge. The “Time Machine” is on a 30-day trial loan. There was discussion about the pros and cons of computerized scoring. A motion was made to buy the Time Machine for $1200.00 as part of the 2003 General Operating budget. The motion was seconded and accepted by vote.


Clothing Coordinator report – No report

Social Coordinator report – Bonnie distributed copies of her social budget and discussed the proposed 2003 social schedule. This will be for consideration in the General Operating budget.

Team Racing report – Lisa reiterated Tim’s proposed 2003 budget for consideration in the General Operating budget. It includes a second windfeather.

Chenoweth report -David reported that they are still selling Running Diaries. Charlie Yates presented a check to David that was a refund of a Chenoweth contribution to the All Star XC meet that was held at the Greenway and not used.

Treasurer’s report – Bob Prentiss presented and discussed the Financial report and the Budget report. Bob discussed some individual events that were over or under the estimated budget. He also discussed the cost of RRCA membership and RRCA provided insurance. RRCA now views members as individuals rather than as households. David will check into other insurance options such as through the USATF.

Membership report – Brian Corbin reported that there are currently 865 member represented by 504 memberships which is higher than this time last year. Discussion was held about the 1st class mailing option for the Fleetfoot. The policy will be reviewed for next year.

Race Director Coordinator report – Charlie Yates reported that everything is under control.

Triathlete report – The Red Hills Tri is still on and has received entries.

Equipment report -No report; Lecture Series – No report; Newsletter report- No report;


Jane asked David if the vote for the Constitution change would be by ballot or by voice and if there would be discussion held at the annual meeting (the Yee Haw Holiday party). David advised that there could be discussion with a quorum of 25 club members present.

The 2003 Business Meeting schedule will be the same as 2002.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.

The next meeting will be held on January 8, 2003 at the home of Jerry Ongley.

Lisa Unger, Secretary

These minutes have not been reviewed and accepted by the board.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315