February 12, 2003 Business Meeting Hosted by Charlie & Linda Yates

Board/GWTC Members present: Lisa Unger, David Yon, Bob Prentiss, Jerry Ongley, Jane Johnson, Charlie Yates, Tom Perkins, Joe & Nadine Dexter, Jeff Bryan, Dawn Brown, Judy Alexander and Mary Register
Jane Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm and quorum was established. The January minutes were read and accepted by motion, 2nd and vote.

· Mary Register discussed marketing strategies GWTC could use to promote itself to potential sponsors. Discussion had been held at the retreat about club promotion and partnering with the community to make GWTC more attractive to potential sponsors. Club demographics were discussed. Discussion was held about how to lessen the stereotype from the name Gulf Winds Track Club so the community will realize the broad spectrum of members involved. Several branding techniques were discussed. The board members will review the following list and next month they will select up to five strategies to implement.
Branding Techniques: Networking in social and professional settings; GWTC involvement at Health Fairs; linking with web sites for entities such as health food stores and athletic stores (Sportsbeat, Shaw’s); sending representatives to lectures on health related issues; sending copies of the Fleet Foot to doctors’ offices (as lobby reading material); putting GWTC’s URL on all club equipment, t-shirts, etc.; sending speakers to other forums such as group meetings for people making lifestyle changes and health seminars at TMH; billboards; utilizing Living Here to maximum potential; update the club brochure and distribute to any health, fitness or athletic related location; print club business cards; all members use every opportunity to market the club; entering the equipment trailer in the Springtime parade; “adopting” a bulletin board at Forest Meadows; always using “A club for walkers and runners” in conjunction with the GWTC logo.

· Dawn Brown presented the final budget for the 10-Mile Challenge. Despite some extra expenses such as re-certification of the course due to road resurfacing, the race made a profit.
· · Jeff Bryan presented the proposed budget for the Palace Saloon 5k. A team competition will be included this year. A motion to accept the budget was made and seconded. The budget was accepted by vote.
· · On behalf of Julie Clark, Lisa Unger discussed the possibility of GWTC purchasing race bibs for at least club and Grand Prix races. Discussion was held about the new computerized scoring system that requires runners to have a bib number. It was determined that the club already has enough bibs to last until perhaps Rail to Trails. A motion was made, seconded and accepted by vote for Tom Perkins to order 5000 tear off bibs.

· Chenoweth report -David reported that the funding for Gary and Ryan’s travel to Houston for the US cross-country meet is approved for up to $1000.00. David discussed the Seminole Invitational Track Meet and reported that Myrna Hoover will coordinate the concession stand and revenues are to be split between the Capital City Christian Cruisers and GWTC.
· · Treasurer’s report – Bob Prentiss presented and discussed the Financial Report and the Budget Report and advised the board that a new General Operating Budget would be completed soon. David mentioned that funds have not yet been distributed from the Turkey Trot profits to the Refuge House. A motion to present Refuge House with a check for $7000.00 was made and seconded but with the stipulation that some newspaper and/or Fleet Foot publicity be gained.
· · Race Director Coordinator report – Charlie discussed a kit he is updating that will help race directors put on better events.
· · Equipment report – Joe reported that some club equipment is still out on loan from the last race and the new “Race in progress” signs have been received.
· · Membership report – Judy reported for Brian that the club has 496 members represented by 281 memberships, which is comparable to previous years.
· · Team Racing report – Lisa reported for Tim that the second feather-flag has been received and will be flying at the Marathon. Tim is starting to organize teams for River Run and Azalea Trail.
· · Triathlete report – No report; Lecture Series – No report; Newsletter report- No report; Clothing Coordinator report – No report; Social Coordinator report – no report

· GWTC did not renew it’s membership to the RRCA and the RRCA logo will now be removed from GWTC related sites. Instead, GWTC has now joined the ARC through whom GWTC has acquired required insurance.

· Jane received a message from the race director of Melon Run asking GWTC to help put on their event this year. Jane will further discuss the extent of help they require and advise board members as necessary.
· · Jane suggested we discuss a safer venue for the Flash at the next meeting, but several board members who ran it this year said there was very little problem and maybe it’s fine as it is. Also tabled until next month was discussion about raising the annual membership dues.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:38 pm.
The next meeting will be hosted by David Yon on March 12, 2003.
Lisa Unger, Secretary
These minutes have not been reviewed and accepted by the board.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315