of the February 11, 2015 Hosted by Mike BurnsPresent: Tony Guillen, Lisa Unger, Nancy Stedman, Felton Wright, Amanda Hudson, Herb Wills, Tom Perkins, Ann Bowman, Cole Tessier, David Yon, Bill Lott, Jeff Bowman, Eric Godin, Jon Manry, Mark Priddy, Jackie McDaniel, Paul Guyas, Maggi Beshara, Martha Bademan
Tony Guillen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Quorum was established.
The board reviewed the January minutes. Motion to approve was made, motion passed.
New Business:
Jackie McDaniel – Wrap up of the 30k/15k race. Proceeds were $5,276, expenses were $4,920, leaving net proceeds of $356. Jackie requested that half of the net proceeds be donated to Last Hope Rescue. Motion to approve was made, motion seconded and approved.
Tony Guillen – Request for creation of Trail Coordinator position, a non-voting position as a point person with the county trail coalition. Bobby York will fill Trail Coordinator duties. Motion made to approve the position, motion seconded and approved.
Bill Lott / Tony Guillen – Equipment offer from Joe Dexter, $5k worth of equipment including clock, chronomix, etc. for $1500. Motion made to purchase equipment, motion seconded and approved.
Nancy Stedman – Proposal to continue TUDC at Wakulla Springs with Nancy and Jay Silvanima serving as directors. Jeff Bryan will likely put on a different ultra at the ARP. Motion made, motion seconded and approved.
Amanda Hudson – Presentation of the Grand Prix Awards financial summary. Total spent for awards was $5,755. Rental fee at Goodwood was $2,300. Noted that Goodwood has agreed to rent GWTC the facility next year at same rate.
Mike Burns – GWTC has been offered a free table at City of Tallahassee / FL Dept. Of Environmental Protection’s “Healthy Community Festival Fun Run / Walk” at Cascades Park on 4/25/15. Maggi offered to head up volunteers. Motion made to accept offer, motion seconded and approved.
David Yon – David has been in consultation with the organizer of the T-Pal 5k & 1 mile race, to be held 5/30/15 starting in Jack McLean Park. This event is put on with the TPD Athletic League. David will be a representative of GWTC in the organization of the event and creation of a running group in the area. Motion made to support this event and make it a GWTC event (not a GWTC race), motion seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Nancy Stedman for Katie Sherron
There is $122,976 in the Club’s Operating account. There is $14,927 in the Events 1 account, $4,278 in the Events 2 account, $50,351 in the Investment account, $11,411 in the Chenoweth account, and $8,363 in the Tri Club account.
Membership Report – Mark Priddy
Current GWTC membership is 1138 members in 580 households, up 212 from last month. The Tri Club membership is currently 234 members, up 46 from last month.
Race Director Coordinator Report – Charlie Yates
No report.
Newsletter Report – Nancy Stedman for Fred Deckert
Nothing new to report.
Clothing Coordinator Report – Tony Guillen for Abe Middleton
Maggi Beshara and Jane Skalski were nominated as the new clothing coordinators. Motion was made to install them as such, seconded and approved.
Equipment Report – Vicky Droze & Bill Lott
The new purchase of equipment from Joe Dexter, as referenced above.
Website Committee Report – David Yon
Nothing new.
Chenoweth Fund Report – David Yon
Nothing new to report.
Triathlete Report – Jeff Bowman
Work being done on new web site. Red Hills Tri is in April and there are few spots left. An open swim is planned for March 15.
Lecture Series Report – Nancy Stedman for Paul Guyas
This Sunday there will be a panel event at 4:00 on cross training, recovery, and injury prevention.
Training Report – Beth Alexander
No report. However, it was mentioned that there is now a GWTC Training page on facebook.
Social Report – Eric Godin
There will be a social during the weekend of 2/21, probably at a bar.
David Yon – GWTC is partnering with Visit Tallahassee for championship races in 2016.
David Yon – (Old Business) After determining amounts raised at Turkey Trot, including Crowdrise and “Heroes” donations, funds distributed to benefitting charities include $16,255.10 to Boys & Girls Club, $16,254.20 to The Shelter, and $16,844 to Refuge House.
Nancy Stedman for Bill Hillison – Bowlegs wrap up. Revenue including cash donations was $3,395. Expenses were $780. Net proceeds $2,615. This is the one club race where all net proceeds go to the benefitting charity.
Tony Guillen – There is a race organizer called Race 13.1 that is wanting to do a race here, and wanted to contact the club before doing so.
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed.