Female Runner of the Year Award
Presented by Michael Martinez“What the award is about:In naming its Runners of the Year, Gulf Winds Track Club seeks to honor those who, besides achieving outstanding times in the past year at various distances in local, regional, and national events, have served as models for all of us in their competitive spirit, their continuing devotion tothe sport, and their support and encouragement of their fellow runners, both individually and as members of Gulf Winds.
I have known this runner for several years. She has blossomed as a runner, faster times and an incredible range in race distances, from one mile to fifty miles, over her career. I had the chance to see her share her love of running and fitness at work as well. Recruiting runners for races and encouraging healthy lifestyles.
She is willing to train at all hours of the day and night and is as reliable as they come. (The most important factor in a training partner) She has traveled far and wide always carrying the club with her to her races.
This runner is a fierce competitor regardless of the opponent’s age or gender, never let up at the end of race if she is behind you!
We have shared countless deep conversations while running. It’s my experience that you get to know people at a much deeper level when you run with them because we tend to run out of the stock stories we share with casual friends pretty quickly. I have learned a great deal from the example she sets. Her volunteer work, her representing the club in out of town races across the country but much more so for her professional, personal and spiritual growth over the years.
Ultimately her steadfast refusal to quit or take the easier softer path. While personal introspection is not my strong suit but this runner has truly transformed herself,and in some areas more than once!It is my pleasure to announce Maria Matheu as the 2015 Gulf Winds female runner of the year!