What? You Want Me to Join?
Tony Guillen,
“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” Groucho Marx
Why join GWTC? Because it is one of the most active, enjoyable and productive groups of people you will ever be around. Along with more intangible benefits than you can imagine, you get these tangible benefits which alone are worth the membership:
A monthly newsletter delivered by mail, email or both.
Discounts to most GWTC races that if fully taken advantage of will probably cover your membership fee.
The opportunity to participate in the GWTC’s grand prix competition and be eligible for annual awards.
The opportunity to become a member of Gulf Winds Triathletes.
If all of that is not enough to entice you just ask anyone who attended this year’s annual GWTC Holiday Party at Shiloh Farms. Kathy Lindsey and a small army of helpers put together one of the best parties I have ever attended. That was all made possible by having such a great membership base.
New member, old member, returning member, anyone who has always wanted to join but has kept putting it off – please become a member of GWTC for 2016. If you are already a member, then find a friend who isn’t and encourage them to join. It is easy. Go to www.gulfwinds.org and click on the Join GWTC tab. There you will find all the information you need to become a member.
Take note, the first GWTC Grand Prix event of 2016 is the Bowlegs 5k on January 9th. Don’t miss out on grand prix points because you put off getting your membership.
See you on the roads,