Business Meeting, July 12, 2000 Home of Jeanne O'Kon and Tom Perkins

Board Members Present: Paul Hiers, Paul Hoover, Gary Kenney, Lynn Powell, Brian Corbin, Joe Dexter, Sarah Doctor-Williams, David Yon, Julie Clark

Others Present: Bill McGuire, Nadine Dexter

Paul Hiers, President, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Minutes from the June meeting were distributed and accepted with corrections.

Bill McGuire presented a request to split cost of Greensboro race course certification. There was a discussion that GWTC should encourage certification of all grand prix race courses (excluding off-road courses). The board agreed to pay $70 (50%) for Greensboro certification. Other concerns including lack of proper timing equipment, inequity in age group award distributions, etc. were brought up for discussion. Bill and Paul agreed to compose a letter to the Greensboro race director to address these issues.

Tom Perkins, representing Ernie & Alice Sims, requested funding assistance for the Christian Cruisers to go to nationals. The issue was tabled for after treasurer report.

The treasurer report was presented by Gary Kenney. A motion was passed to cash the CD that will be due on 7/30. There was a question about where the $1000 donated to membership money is represented in the report.

There are currently 846 members representing 519 memberships. Shaw will be sponsoring a membership drive. Paul Hiers presented a proposal that Shaw has made. Flyers will be mailed out before the next meeting. Persons that join the club in August will receive an additional 5 months membership, free entry into Tom Brown Bash and discount at Shaw’s.

The Breakfast on the Track budget was submitted and approved.

The Women’s Distance Festival Budget was submitted and approved.

David Yon presented idea for GWTC and matching corporate sponsors to benefit Turkey Trot and PERK. This is a cause for education principled on “adopt a class” philosophy. David has information for anyone who is interested. David is also looking for another major corporate sponsor for Turkey Trot.

The Tom Brown course will be different this year- because much of the course has been cut off.

There was much discussion about a newsletter editor replacement for Rex. It was decided that Rex could coordinate with interested parties and together they could all develop a strategy.
Joe Dexter reported that the “BIG” clock is working very well. It was used at the track meet.

There was a request to wave $70 equipment rental fee for Bare Bottom. This was denied.

It was voted to donate $200 to Christian Cruisers for nationals. The social at Ichetucknee Springs was a big success.

Meeting was adjourned.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315