of the March 9, 2011 Board Meeting Hosted by Vicky DrozePresent: Judy Alexander, Jackie McDaniel, Jerry Chesnutt, Mary Jean Yon, Felton Wright, David Yon, Herb Wills, Bill Lott, Vicky Droze, Seeley Gutierrez, Tom Perkins, Paula O’Neill, Robert Macdonald, Meredith Russell, Matt Rumenik, Jay Silvanima, Nancy Stedman
Judy Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Quorum was established.
The Board reviewed the February minutes. One correction to the minutes was made. Clothing Coordinator Report: There were 21 t-shirts sold, 3 license plates sold, and 36 t-shirts were given away at the Health Fair. The proceeds totaled $130.00 A motion was made to approve the minutes with the change, seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
New Business
Meredith Russell and Matt Rumenik – Meredith and Matt brought samples of Fuzions Frozen Yogurt for the Board to sample. They would like to work with race directors by providing discount yogurt coupons for race packets or by providing samples of their yogurt at races and other GWTC events.
Jay Silvanima and Nancy Stedman – Jay and Nancy gave a wrap up of the 2011 Tallahassee Marathon and Half Marathon. The net proceeds were $8,648 with half going to the American Lung Association of Florida. They also presented a proposed budget for the 2012 race. A motion was made to approve the advertising line item of the budget with further review of the remainder of the budget in a few months. The motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Tom Perkins- Tom presented a proposed budget for the 2011 Tallahassee City Track and Field Championship to be held at the FSU track on April 5, 2011. Discussion followed among board members as to whether the event can be covered by the Club’s insurance. David Yon will follow up and report back to the Board. A motion was made to approve the budget for up to $1500 for GWTC to be a title sponsor of this track meet. The motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Bob Macdonald – The Tri Club has insurance with USAT to protect the Tri Club and the GWTC should a person be injured in an official event. The cost of the insurance is $6 per member. Given that all Tri Club members join the GWTC and pay membership dues for both clubs, Bob asked the Board to consider paying $5 of the cost of USAT insurance for each member and the Tri Club would pay $1. A motion was made that the Tri Club will retain $5 of the $20 track club dues paid by each member to cover the cost of insurance. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.
Judy Alexander – Judy told the Board that the Springtime Tallahassee webpage had been updated. The 10k and 5k race courses have changed due to the work on Cascades Park not being completed.
Jerry Chesnutt – The Board reviewed a proposed budget for 201l. A motion to approve the budget was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Mary Jean Yon – Mary Jean gave an update on her efforts to provide recognition to those involved with assisting the half marathon runner who suffered a heart attack at the Tallahassee Marathon/Half Marathon. After some discussion it was decided that she would purchase and present a plaque to the First Responder Unit listing the names of the students who assisted the runner that day.
Treasurer’s Report – Jerry Chesnutt
There is $27, 055 in the Club’s checking account, and $77,622 in a certificate of deposit. The Chenoweth Fund has $10,989, and the Tri Club has $5,795.
Membership Report –Jackie McDaniel for Mark Priddy
The Club has 1270 members in 695 households. For the month, that is an increase of 57 members and 30 additional households.
Race Director Coordinator Report –Jackie McDaniel for Charlie Yates
Race Directors should pay close attention to the FSU football schedule since TV networks control the starting time of home games and a noon game start could hurt attendance at a 9 a.m. race start. Race Directors should consider a start time of 8 a.m. to be safe. We continue to try and accommodate all races with the dates that are requested.
Newsletter Report – Fred Deckert
No report
Clothing Coordinator Report – Paula O’Neill
Paula made $210 in merchandise sales at the Flash 12k/6k race and $35 in sales at the Springtime training runs. She sent out a survey to some runners to see what items they would prefer the Club sell. Technical shirts are in high demand.
Equipment Report – Jackie McDaniel for Vicky Verano
The new equipment policy has been posted to the website.
Website Report – David Yon
A lot of requests have been received by David Yon and Peg Griffin to post race information on the website.
Chenoweth Fund Report – David Yon
No report
Triathlon Report – Robert Macdonald
The Tri Club webpage is undergoing an upgrade. The updated site will include classifieds and training sections. K-Swiss has offered to be their sponsor again this year. Discounted clothing will be sold at the next meeting. Several new speakers are planned for this year.
Lecture Series Report – Nancy Stedman
There will be a lecture at Premier Health and Fitness Center on April 1, by FSU Sports Nutritionist Kelly Currier.
Training Report –Judy Alexander for TJ Cutchins and Robin Borschel
The K-Swiss demo day at the Springtime training group was very successful. They gave away t-shirts and pizza. On March 23, Saucony will have a “Demo Day.” Details to follow. A new group, the Tallahassee Trail Blazers will meet at Tom Brown Park near the new playground. The group will meet on Mondays at 6pm. They will be led by Chuck and Jana Davis and Beth Alexander.
Social Coordinator Report – Judy Alexander for Kathy Lindsay
Elizabeth Stupi has been appointed co-social director. She will work with Kathy Lindsay to carry out the duties of the social coordinator for the Club.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed unanimously at 9:00 p.m.
Jackie McDaniel, GWTC Secretary