for April 8, 2020, Hosted by Robert and Kory Skrob via ZoomVoting Members: Paul Guyas, Jim Halley, David Yon, Mary Jean Yon, Judy Alexander, John Sivyer, Tristan LaNasa, Chika Okoro, Tom Perkins, Mark Priddy, Robert Skrob, Herb Wills, Sarah Shuler Thompson, Heather York, Alyssa Moore
Non-Voting Members: Tom Biance, Laura McDermott, Zack Scharlepp, Kaari Guyas
The meeting was called to order by Paul Guyas at 7:36 p.m. A quorum was established.
A motion for the approval of the March 2020 meeting minutes was made, seconded, and passed.
February 2020 Minutes – Alyssa Moore
In the interim of the February 2020 and March 2020 GWTC board meetings, a motion was made via email to approve the February 2020 meeting minutes. However, the motion did not receive enough votes via email to pass nor fail. Thus, a motion to approve the February 2020 minutes was made, seconded, and passed at the April 2020 board meeting.
New Race Date for Palace Saloon 5K (2020) – Paul Guyas
In the interim of the February 2020 and March 2020 GWTC board meetings, a motion was made via email to approve the new race date for the 2020 Palace Saloon 5K, which is slated to take place on October 24, 2020. However, the motion did not receive enough votes via email to pass nor fail. Thus, a motion to approve the new Palace Saloon 5K race date of October 24, 2020 was made, seconded, and passed at the April 2020 board meeting. Further, it was reported that the Tallahassee Police Department rescinded the permit for the original race date in April 2020, spurring the need for a new race date.
Miscellaneous club business – Judy Alexander
This item was tabled for a subsequent in-person meeting.
Appointment of a New Education and Lecture Series Coordinator – Paul Guyas
Kristin Halley was appointed as the new Education and Lecture Series Coordinator. The motion to appoint passed unopposed..
Springtime 10K / 5K / 1M (2020) Virtual Race Update– Zack Scharlepp
Zack reported that the virtual race has gone well with an additional 250 race registrants thus far since going virtual. Feedback from race participants has been positive, and board members were encouraged to continue to recruit people to participate in the virtual race. Given that the race was planned to take place in-person rather than virtually, the Springtime 10K / 5K / 1 M 2020 race is anticipated to ultimately result in a loss, as supplies and other race materials were already purchased in preparation for an in-person race. Because the virtual race is still underway, the total net loss cannot yet be determined, though the race is currently estimated to come in at about $7,000 – $10,000 in the red. Given the circumstances, the only options for the Springtime 10K / 5K / 1 M 2020 race were to cancel the race or go virtual, and the Scharlepps were thanked for a large job well-done for a successful virtual race.
Further, an online ranking of race results was suggested to add a fun, competitive element to the virtual race. John Sivyer developed a form for race participants to fill-out themselves that will populate their race results in a spreadsheet that is available online for viewing. Interest in the virtual race result form was expressed, and John agreed to send the form to Zack Scharlepp for the Springtime 10K / 5K / 1 M 2020 race and David Yon for potential use in the 2020 Potluck race.
Race Planning with Covid-19 – Mary Jean Yon
Mary Jean provided a report on races during COVID-19. First, actions to date were recapped. It was noted that the 2020 Springtime 10K / 5K / 1 M race went virtual and that the 2020 Palace Saloon 5K has been rescheduled for October 24, 2020, both due to the City of Tallahassee rescinding permits. Next, races moving forward were discussed. Mary Jean encouraged flexibility and creativity in the planning of future races, underscoring the importance of keeping race directors plugged into discussions about upcoming races. It was noted that many times decisions regarding future races might be made by those issuing permits and permission to use property. For instance, the City of Tallahassee will likely be involved in decisions regarding the Summer Track Series and the SMIRF program.
Further, it was highlighted that the club would remain solvent even if no additional races took place between now and the end of 2020, though it was also noted that the club’s mission is much more than that. The club strives to provide people with an opportunity, and the priority now is to keep things going and flowing. Accordingly, the potential for more virtual races was discussed, and Mary Jean cautioned race directors about ordering race shirts and medals too far in advance. The possibility of “virtual race burnout” was also addressed, providing the opportunity to get creative with races. For instance, the idea of a weekend of races in the fall was proposed, as a fun way to make-up races and reduce race costs. The first wave of upcoming events to consider include the Potluck race, the Summer Track Series, and the SMIRF program. The second wave includes the Breakfast on the Track and the Miller Landing Madness race. Continued discussion and brainstorming were encouraged as we move forward. Lastly, concerns regarding GWTC 365 members were raised, and it was noted that the topic should be revisited as races continue to be rescheduled and/or canceled.
Tannenbaum 6K (2019) Wrap-Up – Herb Wills
The 2019 Tannenbaum 6K wrap-up was tabled for a subsequent meeting.
GWTC 30K / 15 K (2020) Wrap-Up – Zach DeVeau or Jillian Heddaeus
The 2020 GWTC 30K / 15K wrap-up was tabled for a subsequent meeting.
Tallahassee Marathon / Half Marathon (2020) Wrap Up – Sheryl Rosen
The 2020 Tallahassee Marathon / Half Marathon wrap-up was tabled for a subsequent meeting.
Potluck (2020) Budget – David Yon
David reported that the plans for Potluck 2020 were still uncertain and that he was trying to be flexible and creative approaching the race. Plans were made to discuss Potluck (2020) again at the subsequent board meeting.
Membership –Mark Priddy
No report.
Treasurer- David Yon
David presented the treasury report, discussing the club’s Statement of Activity for July 1, 2019 – April 8, 2020 and Statement of Financial Position as of April 8, 2020. Assets were reported to total $236,529.47, and net activity for the fiscal year totals -$30,590.21. Last year total spending was estimated to amount to $332,000, and it was noted that money will be tighter this year due to COVID-19 than in prior years. In addition, non-race expenses, such as membership renewal and RRCA insurance were highlighted, as these expenses exist regardless of whether races continue in the year. Other notable expenses include those associated with the annual Christmas party, including $5,000 for the barn and $4,000-$5,000 for music, which have already been committed for the 2020 Christmas party. Lastly, the newsletter was mentioned as another non-race expense, and the possibility of saving printing and postage costs was discussed. David noted that June 30, 2020 marks the end of the fiscal-year and acknowledged that predicting the budget for the next fiscal year will be challenging.
Chip Timing– Peg Griffin, Bill Hillison, and Bill Lott
Bill Lott was unable to attend the April 2020 board meeting and sent Alyssa Moore the chip timing report to share with the board. It was reported that in March, GWTC chip timed only one event, the Shamrock Scurry 5K/1M. The other four events scheduled to be chip timed during March were the Habitat for Humanity 5K (postponed to a later date to be announced; The Heritage 5K/1M (canceled or postponed to a later date); the St. Marks Duathlon (postponed to a later date); and Springtime 10K/5K/1M (became a virtual race). Of the four events scheduled to be chip timed in April, two have been rescheduled (Hops & Half Shells 5K/1M moved to August 29th; and The Palace Saloon 5K moved to October 24th), and two canceled (Rose City 10K/1M; and Nene Fest 5K). Five events are scheduled to be chip timed in May, but one, the Tails & Trails Half Marathon/10K/5K/1M on May 2nd, has already been canceled. The other four events, one of which is Race #1 of the GWTC Summer Trail Series, are still currently scheduled to be run.
Equipment – Tec Thomas
No report.
Newsletter – Robert and Kory Skrob
Robert reported that a shorter newsletter was published in April and that plans to publish the May newsletter were underway. Gary Droze is slated to write an article in the May newsletter and the Scharlepps have agreed to discuss the conversion to a virtual Springtime race. Robert is open and happy to talk about ways to reduce newsletter costs and is focused on keeping members connected to running and one another in the interim. Further, printing and postage costs for the newsletter were discussed as well as the ratio of members receiving digital versus physical newsletters. Robert reported that 71 members receive the newsletter through US mail only, 418 receive the newsletter via email, and 125 receive the newsletter via both US mail and email.
Race Director – Mary Jean Yon
Please see the section above titled “Race Planning with Covid-19” for the April 2020 race director report.
Trail Coordinator –Jim Halley
Jim reported that the start of the Summer Trail Series will be delayed due to COVID-19 and that Trail Dynamics has been working to develop new trails at the Alfred Greenway. Thus far, 3 miles of new trails have been developed, averaging about 0.2 miles a day. A total of 22 miles of new trails are planned for the Alfred Greenway. In regard to the start of the Summer Trail Series, Bobby York shared that a possible date for the first race is June 20th, though permitting is still uncertain. Lastly, Jim shared that the trail festival slated to take place a few weeks prior was canceled due to COVID-19 and that the trails have experienced a lot of use lately.
Chenoweth Fund – David Yon
David reported that the Chenoweth Committee has not seen much action with schools operating remotely.
Training Groups – Thomas Biance
Thomas reported that training groups have stopped for now, due to COVID-19.
Triathlete Club- John Sivyer
John reported that the Triathlete Club is in a similar boat in regard to race cancelations and rescheduling due to COVID-19. John also shared that the IronMan Corporation held a successful worldwide duathlon the past weekend, with 11,679 registrants and 6,589 finishers across the globe. Further, it was announced that the St. Marks Duathlon has been rescheduled to take place on October 11, 2020. For those already registered for the 2020 St. Marks Duathlon with schedule conflicts for the new date, a deferral option for the 2021 St. Marks Duathlon will be offered.
Website – David Yon
Nothing new to report.
Youth Council – Kaari Guyas
Nothing new to report.
Merchandise –Laura McDermott and Sherri Wise
Nothing new to report.
Education and Lecture – Chris Stanley
Nothing to report.
Social – Vicky Droze
Nothing to report, though Mary Jean shared that the Zoom interviews with Stanley and AP this past Friday went well.
Volunteers – Lyssa Oberkreser
No report.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 P.M.
Alyssa Moore, Secretary