for August 9, 2017, Hosted by Emma Spencer at Mark Priddy's ResidencePresent: Zack Scharlepp, Paul Guyas, Tony Guillen, David Yon, Kory Skrob, Charlie Johnson, Mike Savage, Mark Priddy, Rachel Scharlepp, Mary Jean Yon, Katie Sherron, Herb Wills, Others; Bill Lott, Katie Sack, Mae Cleveland, Peg and Gary Griffin.
The President called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. and a quorum was established.
The Board reviewed the July 2017 minutes, Emma thanked Mary Jean for completing those in her absence. A motion to approve was made, seconded and passed without opposition.
New Business
Rex Cleveland Magic Writing Contest– Mae Cleveland informed the Board of a Magic Writing Contest in memory of her late husband, Rex Cleveland. The contest will be in conjunction with the Magic Mile to be held in early November and is designed to get those of various ages to participate in writing and running. There will be four award divisions, elementary, middle school, high school and adults, all required to write a 250-word essay scored in combination with and their mile time. All information is on the GWTC website and Mae requested that the word be passed on to any schools or teachers to get the word out. Deadline for submission is September 27th 2017.
Pine Run Budget 2017 – Gary Griffin presented the budget for the 2017 Pine Run. Estimated revenues are $3,00, expenditures $2,075, with a net revenue of $1,125 to be split equally between Tall Timbers and GWTC. Gary mentioned that this race was not on the grand prix schedule and hopes to have a keg of beer and food to entice more participants. A motion was made to approve this budget, seconded and passed unanimously. Gary also reported that the fountain for Lake Overstreet would be installed within the next couple of weeks.
Nominating Committee- Tony Guillen as past president is to head up the 2018 Board nominating committee with two other members. Tony detailed his plans for setting up the committee as the Board need to formally approve the committee before going forward. Mike Savage volunteered to be part of the committee. Tony asked to keep the nominating committee on the agenda for the next couple of months while he forms the committee, gathers the slate of nominees and sets up for elections in early November.
Turkey Trot Update – Mary Jean informed the Board that she had been approached by Sustainable Tallahassee, who she works with on the Trash Dash, that they would like to “green” the Turkey Trot race by putting out informational signs regarding recycling and providing recycling bins. David told the Board about the recent photo shoot they had involving many prominent members of the club and their families, for the front cover of the Tallahassee Magazine. Ryan Gay of endurance imaging took the photos and will be providing photos for runners at the Turkey Trot. TMH would like to be a sponsor for the Turkey Trot and negotiations are ensuing and GWTC may partner with them to do a beginner running group that may start at Cascades Park or Premier Health and Fitness. Other running groups may be led by CCR and alternate between the CCR store and Southwood.
Sickle Cell 5K Budget 2017 – Paul Guyas presented a very detailed budget for the 2017 edition of the Sickle Cell 5K which was previously voted and approved to become a GWTC race. Estimated revenues are $9,440 (including direct sponsorships to Sickle Cell Foundation), expenditures $4,050, with a net revenue of $5,390. Cones and some food donations were not included in the budget as they have been donated. The one mile has a new course that will enable a timely start for the 5K. A motion was made to approve this budget, seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Conflict of Interest Statements – David Yon provide a copy of the GWTC Conflict of Interest Statement that he had drawn up specifying that GWTC board members may not use their positions, information they have about GWTC, or GWTC property, in a manner that allows them to secure monetary benefits for themselves or their relatives. Several Board members requested that they read the document and provide feedback at the next meeting before all Board members are required to sign the disclosure. A motion was tabled for this topic until everyone has a chance to read the document.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report –Katie Sherron
Katie Sherron provided the Board with account information showing that as of July 31st, 2017, the balance in each account is, $80,271.85 in the Operations account, $2,770.84 for the Events 1 accounts, $12,389.58 for the Events 2 account, $13,717.96 for the Triathlon account, $85,500.00 in the Invest and Reserve account and $14,859.28 in the Chenoweth Fund. Katie also said that most of the outstanding sponsorships for the larger races have been received.
Membership Report –Mark Priddy
There are 1344 members in the club as of August 9th, 2017, an increase of 32 from last month’s meeting. We also have 692 household memberships, 17 more than last month. The Tri Club has 246 members.
Race Director Coordinator Report – Mary Jean Yon
Mary Jean Yon stated that an updated contact list of the GWTC Race Directors has been updated and posted to the website under the “Races- GWTC Races” tab. She will also be updating the Race Director Resources link on the GWTC website soon.
Newsletter Report –Fred Deckert
No report.
Clothing Coordinator Report –Rachael Scharlepp
Racheal Scharlepp reported that she will be selling GWTC merchandise at Breakfast on the Track. She is also getting new magnets that will available to buy soon. At the trail series, approximately $266 of merchandise was sold.
Equipment Report – Katie Sack & Bill Lott
Bill Lott reported that all is well and that he bought two new cameral tripods to replace the ones they had, on sale for a total of $75.22.
Website Committee Report –David Yon
David Yon said there was nothing new to report regarding the website.
Chenoweth Fund Report –David Yon
David reported that the Committee had received and approved a request from Girls on the Run for $1500 needed for implementing their program, however, the Committee only voted to approve $1000. A motion was made to approve this $1000 award to Girls on the Run, was seconded but discussions ensued regarding how some Board members felt this organization showed lack of diversity in the schools they target, ultimately the motion was approved and passed.
Triathlete Report –Charlie Johnson
Charlie let the Board know of the upcoming social on August 21st at MoMos which will be in place of the monthly meeting with the aims of having paying Tri Club Members a chance to mingle with board of directors. The next Monthly Newsletter will go out on Wednesday, August 16 and will feature the Triathlete Spotlight: Jillian Heddaeus & Edward Nabong and the Meet Your BOD Article featuring James Harrison. The next Grand Prix Race is the Georgia Veterans Memorial Triathlon on Lake Blackshear, GA – August 12th. A $500 Tri Club donation was given to Friends of Maclay Gardens water as the water fountain was already paid for, the Tri Club will also lend some volunteer support for the Moon Over Maclay Event.
Lecture Series Report – Kory Skrob
Kory Skrob reported that the next GWTC Lecture Series will take place on Friday, August 11 @ 5:30 p.m. and will feature Colonel (Ret.) Fred Johnson and his newly released book titled, “5 Wars – A Soldier’s Journey to Peace.” The event will be held at Sittig Hall (next to Harry’s on Kleman Plaza) and will include a book signing. The book will cost $15 and food and drinks will be provided. Kory also stated that she had spoken with Felton Wright about providing a lecture on marathon training for beginners and this may coincide with the marathon training group in October/November.
Training Report –Tracy Godin
No report
Social Report – Kristin Halley
Kristin Halley via email stated that she did not have any new social events lined up now but is working on getting setting up a new event soon. Zack asked the Board if they wanted to move the 2018 Christmas Party from Shiloh to another location. He is going to consider alternative locations closer to town to reduce the distance people would have to travel for the party.
Trail Coordinator Report –Jim Halley
Kristin Halley for Jim Halley via email said that the trail series was a huge success and that they were happy to bring a new trail into the Tallahassee trail race scene.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.