for August 9, 2023, Hosted by Judy Alexander

Voting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Mary Jean Yon, Mark Tombrink, Mark Priddy, David Yon, Tom Perkins, Chris O’Kelley, Judy Alexander, Debbie Peters, Lisa Unger. Voting Members Absent: Jo Lena Pace, Robert Skrob, Allen Blay, Tina Bahmer, Eric Trombley.

Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Carter Hay, Ryan Zornes, Chika Okoro.

I. Opening and Introduction:

Jerry McDaniel opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the July, 2023 meeting, Motion was seconded and passed.

Judy Alexander introduced Ryan Zornes. He works for Visit Tallahassee as the Senior Sales and Sports Director. The Visit Tallahassee office is now in the old Amtrak train station space. This space will eventually be available for more meetings. They are funded by Leon County Tourism. They help to support events in the local community, including cross-country meets at Apalachee Regional Park. They will have seven major meets this fall. They are always looking for volunteers and spectators for the meets. They plan to host the 2026 Cross-Country World Championships and will need a lot of help

II. Old Business: None.

III. New Business:
a. Salute to Steve Prefontaine 5K budget proposal: Peg Griffin gave the report for Allen Blay. The proposed budget reported net revenues of $2,650.00 with total expenditures of $2,300.00. Peg amended the budget to remove $450 sponsorship for EMS from revenue, and change the EMS cost to $459. A motion was made and seconded to approve the amended budget. Motion passed.

b. Gadsden County Bicentennial 5K on Sept. 2: The Bicentennial 5K Run/Walk will take place during Labor Day Weekend. There will be no registration fee and participants are encouraged to register online on the Gadsden County Bicentennial 5K Run/Walk website. The run/walk will start at 8 a.m. with on-site registration beginning at 7 a.m.

c. Nominating Committee: Mark Priddy reported that three people serve on the Nominating Committee for the election of the officers and Directors-at-Large. The committee should have recommendations to the Board by the end of October. Mark suggested asking around to see if members were interested in running for those positions. Carter Hay volunteered to serve on the committee. Mark inquired as to whether an announcement should appear on the club Facebook page. A person must be a dues-paying club member in order to run for office.

IV. Announcements from Officers:

Jerry reported that Doug Bell contacted him about a Trail Etiquette meeting on Oct. 24, and a GWTC member should attend. Doug is the race director of the Brewtallaty Offroad Duathlon on Nov. 4, 2023. He needs timers and equipment.

Jerry commented on the local high school tracks being closed. He asked if the Board members would like to take a position on this. Jennifer commented that the Leon County School Board is unlikely to change their position on this for security reasons. Several Board members feel that the school tracks should be open to the public. When the FSU track is re-surfaced, it will be available for public use.

Jennifer announced that the Group Runs Facebook page is now open, and people are already joining. There is a poll up on the page for people to indicate when they want to run. The web site needs to be updated.

V. Reports:

Treasurer: Peg Griffin reported that as of July 31, the club had total assets of $231,382.86, with net revenue of $2,784.09. The club is approximately $10,000 ahead of where it was last year at this time.

Triathlete Club: No report.

Race Director Coordinator: Nothing new to report. Mary Jean will plan a meeting for September.

Newsletter: No report.

Membership: Jo Lena Pace sent in a report stating that there are 1201 members (1274 last year at this time), and 683 families (705 last year at this time).

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: A report from Gabrielle Gabrielli stated that Danny Manausa is working with IRC and Boys and Girls Club to launch the Fall children’s program in September. The committee is working to assist with these efforts, and should have more information in the next two weeks. They will also support the Gadsden County Bicentennial 5K on Sept. 2 in whatever ways are needed.

Education and Lecture: Mark Tombrink reported that he has communicated with Dr. Brian Burnette about providing a club lecture, possibly on healthy living and recovering from sports injuries. A possible venue is Oology, which was used previously.

Website: Nothing new to report.

Chenoweth Fund: Nothing new to report.

Merchandise: No report.

Equipment: Nothing to report.

Chip Timing: Bill Lott reported that in July, the Capital City Kiwanis July 4th Firecracker 5K (non- Club race) and the Summer Trail Series Race #3 – Swamp Forest Trail (Club race) were chip timed. Scheduled to be chip timed in August are three Club races: Breakfast on the Track One Mile, Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K, and the Summer Trail Series Race #4 – Cadillac Trail. For September, the Bluebird Run for Bookie B. 5K (non-Club race) and the 5K for Sickle Cell Anemia/Tim Simpkins One Mile, Women’s Distance Festival 5K/1 Mile, and Salute to Steve Prefontaine 5K Forest Run (all three are Club races) will be chip timed.

Grand Prix: Lisa Unger reported that Breakfast on the Track One Mile was a Youth Grand Prix Event. The 8K race in the Miller Landing Madness on Aug. 12 is a Grand Prix race. In the fall, the committee will prepare the Grand Prix schedule for next year and prepare awards for the Annual Awards meeting in January.

Social: No report.

Jennifer reported that the School Grant information was provided to Leon County school P.E. coaches at their in-service meeting to encourage grant applications. The same individuals can apply each year for the amount of $300.00.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Jeanne O’Kon, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315