for August 14, 2024, Hosted by Bill Lott and Judy Alexander at Apalachee Regional Park

Voting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Tom Perkins, Mary Jean Yon, David Yon, Elizabeth Kamerick, Debbie Peters, Robert McNeal, Mark Tombrink, Judy Alexander, Herb Wills, Allen Blay, Robert Skrob. Voting Members Absent: Tina Bahmer, Beverly Harrell, Mark Priddy. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Jack McDermott, Carter Hay, Hawthorne Hay, Rob Peters, Geb Kiros, Bonnie Wright, Charles Kelly. Others Present: Amanda Heidecker, Taylor Walker.

I. Opening and Introduction: Jerry McDaniel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The minutes from the July 10, 2024 meeting were approved as written.

II. Announcements from Officers:

Jennifer Hay described the club social held at Casa Grande. About 50 people attended. There was a lecture given by Haley, a graduate student in FSU Sports Psychology.

Cycle Bar contacted Jennifer about possible discounts for classes and she will find out more. Jennifer also spoke to the owners of Cryotherapy and they are offering a free session to GWTC members.

Jerry discussed a call he received from Bank of America about an $8,000 sponsorship for the 2025 Marathon, and a possible $10,000 sponsorship for the 2026 Marathon. He does not know if they want any naming rights, and he asked the Board members how they felt about it. Board members urged Jerry to review any contract with Bank of America thoroughly.

An event will be held at Cascades Park on August 24 and Jerry asked for volunteers for the table.

III. New Business:

a. Taylor Walker and Amanda Heidecker introduced themselves and explained their job responsibilities. Amanda is the head of Leon County Parks & Recreation. The World Cross Country Championships will be held at the ARP on January 10, 2026. Amanda and Taylor are the co-chairs of the event. An Executive Director will be hired to oversee the event. GWTC will have a position on the Organizing Committee and the entire club can be involved. A QR code for volunteers will be sent out. There will be some paid positions available. They explained how the event has been handled in other countries. They plan to make it a big celebration.Amanda also discussed the Tallahassee parks and local trails. There are 3,500 acres open to the public. She encouraged members to contact her if there is a concern, a tree down, or other problems. Also, work will start on Monday at the Miccosukee Greenway to build the trail up. It should be fixed in the next two weeks. Taylor announced that on Oct. 11-12, the pre-state high school races will be held at the ARP. Other championships will also be held at the ARP.

b. Proposed Budget for 2024 Turkey Trot: Mary Jean Yon described the budget proposal, comparing it to the 2023 budget figures. The anticipated net revenue is $42,391.00. Danny and Allison Manausa will be shadowing the Yons this year as future race directors.

III. Old Business:

a. Proposed Use of 2024 Marathon net revenue: Bonnie Wright explained that some of the Marathon proceeds have already been distributed to Second Harvest of the Big Bend and the Florida Bicycle Association. The purchase of AEDs is still under review. The new proposal is to use $3,000 of the funds to hire a private stormwater engineer/consultant to evaluate the holding pond situation at the Miccosukee Greenway. Jerry indicated that Amanda Heidecker oversees the trails, but the construction she described will not solve the flooding problems. Government officials need to provide additional remediation. Once an objective engineer’s analysis of what is causing the problem is reported, it could be presented to the county officials. The Greenway is perhaps the most heavily-used trail in Tallahassee. Motion was made to approve the expenditure of $3,000 to hire an environmental stormwater engineer to offer proposals to fix the problem. Motion was seconded and passed with three “No” votes.

IV. Reports:

a. Treasurer: Peg reported that the net assets currently are $258,468.74 and net revenue as of 7-31-24 is $1,097.34. She asked for approval to file the previously provided draft 990. Motion was made and seconded to approve the submission of the 990 form once all Board members have signed the Conflict of Interest statement.

b. Tri Club: Robert Skrob reported that there is a club meeting on Monday. Their triathlon at Freedom Springs on July 4 was successful.

c. Race Director Coordinator: Mary Jean indicated that it would be helpful for race directors to remind volunteers to follow the procedure listed on the club web site to get their Grand Prix points. Members can volunteer at club events other than races.

d. Newsletter: Robert Skrob indicated that the due date for the next Fleet Foot is August 20.

e. Membership: Robert McNeal reported that there are 1314 individual memberships as of August 2024 (1201 last year at this time). There are 838 family memberships (683 last year at this time). The club is growing!

f. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Nothing to report.

g. Education and Lecture: Mark Tombrink was pleased with the success of the last club social/lecture at Casa Grande. He inquired as to how the budget will be used to pay for the events.

h. Website: Nothing to report.

i. Chenoweth: Nothing to report.

j. Merchandise: Nothing to report. A link to order GWTC items was shared through the Running Shorts e-mail.

k. Equipment: There are no equipment issues to report currently.

l. Chip Timing: Bill Lott reported that in July, one non-Club race (Kiwanis Firecracker 5K) and one Club race (Summer Trail Series Race #3 – Swamp Forest Trail) were chip timed. During August, three Club races (Breakfast on the Track 1-Mile; Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K; and Summer Trail Series Race #4 – Maclay Gardens) will be chip timed. Scheduled to be timed in September are two non-Club races (Bluebird Run for Brookie B. 5K; and FSU Pre-Regional XC Meet) and three Club races (Sickle Cell 5K/1M; Women’s Distance Festival 5K/1M; and Prefontaine Forest Run).

m. Grand Prix: Jennifer stated that the Bluebird Run is the only one that has applied to be on the Grand Prix for 2025. Club races are automatically considered for the Grand Prix schedule. The Grand Prix Committee will meet soon to develop the proposed 2025 Grand Prix race schedule.

n. Social: No report.

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 p.m.

Jeanne O’Kon, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315