for January 8, 2020 Hosted by Paul Guyas

Board Leadership Present: Paul Guyas, Jim Halley, David Yon, Tristan Lanasa, Tec Thomas, Chika Okoro, Sarah Shuler Thompson, Judy Alexander, Heather York, Mary Jean Yon, John Sivyer, Alyssa Moore

 Others Present: Thomas Biance, Keith Rowe, Laura McDermott, Bill Lott, Martha Guyas, Kaari Guyas, Sade Guyas, Robert Skrob 

 The meeting was called to order by Paul Guyas at 7:32 p.m. A quorum was established.

 A motion to table the approval of the December 2019 minutes in order to allow more time for review was made, seconded, and passed.


President Announcements – Paul Guyas

 Welcome. The 2020 board members were welcomed by the President, Paul Guyas, who made three requests of board members. Specifically, Paul requested board members’ presence, voice, and teamwork.  In addition, a review of the bylaws was suggested for board members.

 Openings. It was noted that the board is continuously looking for candidates to fill race director roles and other key positions.

 Cadence Opening. The opening of Cadence, a new running store in Tallahassee, was underscored. The following was shared about Cadence. Cadence is located next to Trail and Ski and is projected to open January 13, 2020. Additionally, Cadence is hosting a GWTC event on January 16, 2020, for which the store will stay open one hour later for GWTC members.

 Notably, Jim Halley shared that Scott Maphis, the owner of Trail and Ski, has requested a GWTC window cling for the store. A motion to purchase said window cling was made, seconded, and passed.

 VP Announcements – Jim Halley

 GWTC Annual Awards Ceremony. Jim shared the following details about GWTC’s Annual Awards Ceremony. Doors are scheduled to open at the Carriage house at Goodwood at 5:00 pm with food available at 5:30 pm. The ceremony is set to commence at 6:00 pm on January 12, 2020, and the distribution of awards is anticipated to be more efficient than prior years. Moreover, it was highlighted that a new points system will be implemented in 2020 for the Grand Prix competition. Specifically, the new system is designed to incentivize race participation, placing more weight on race consistency than finishing place. The new point system is expected to elevate the overall level of competition in the Grand Prix.

 No announcements were made by the Treasurer or Secretary.


 Committee Role Call – Paul Guyas

 A review of GWTC’s current committees was requested by Paul. Specifically, Paul would like to identify chairs for the committees lacking chairs and would like to explicitly identify the purpose of each committee. Further discussion of committees was tabled for the subsequent board meeting.  

2020 Flash Budget – Keith Rowe

Keith presented the proposed budget for the Flash 12K / 6K, highlighting that projected revenues are up while projected expenses are down. Net proceeds from the event are estimated to be $2,935. A motion to approve the budget was made, seconded, and passed.

Board Meeting Host Schedule – Paul Guyas

A sign-up sheet for board meeting hosts was passed around the room. Board members could volunteer to host meetings taking place in February 2020 through January 2021. In addition, meeting location and general visibility to GWTC members was discussed. Specifically, location consistency and publication outlets were considered. Further discussion on meeting location and visibility was tabled for the next board meeting.

Appointments – Paul Guyas

Mark Tombrink was appointed as the new 5 / 10 Mile Challenge race director. A vote took place with one opposition. The motion to appoint was passed.

Joseph Petty was appointed as the new member of the website committee. A vote took place with no opposition. The motion to appoint was passed.

Tallahassee Ultra Distance Classic (TUDC) – Paul Guyas

It was reported that the TUDC race director position is open with multiple parties interested in filling the role. An ad hoc TUDC Race Director Selection committee was formed by Paul; committee members include Paul Guyas, David Yon, Mary Jean Yon, and Chika Okoro . The committee remained open to new members through the end of the meeting.

 In addition, mitigation of the TUDC marathon course accuracy matter was discussed. Runners in that race were not clearly directed and many ended up cutting the course short. A motion was made to give those who ran the 2019 TUDC marathon free entry into the 2020 Tallahassee Marathon. An amended motion was made to offer those who ran the 2019 TUDC marathon free entry to any GWTC race that occurs in 2020. Another additionally amended motion was made to offer those who ran the 2019 TUDC marathon free entry to any GWTC race that occurs in 2020 and to use the General Fund to cover the race fees. The additionally amended motion was seconded and passed. David Yon volunteered to spearhead the follow-up with those impacted. 

Lastly, a wrap-up of the 2019 TUDC was presented. The net proceeds were estimated to be $4,864.26, of which 50 percent was requested to go to Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park.  A motion to approve the wrap-up was made, seconded, and passed.

2019 Turkey Trot Wrap- Up – David Yon

David presented a wrap-up of the 2019 Turkey Trot. Net proceeds from the race totaled $22,548.02 with 5,052 total finishers reported. A motion was made to donate half the proceeds to The Kearney Center, The Refuge House, and Boys and Girls Club of the Big Bend, splitting the donation equally among the three. The motion was seconded and passed.

 Membership –Mark Priddy

Bill Lott gave the membership report on Mark’s behalf. The membership count for 2019 includes 1497 members, representing 754 households. Both counts are up from 2018.

 Jim Halley proposed the idea of hosting regular events for new members and individuals interested in joining the GWTC. The events would provide education on the club, training groups, and local races and serve as a fun social event for members. Jim offered to further develop that program.

 Treasurer- David Yon

David reported that Bill Hillison, CPA and long-time club member, has offered to sit down with him, Peg Griffin, and Bill Lott to review the GWTC treasury practices and make suggestions accordingly. David will follow-up with a report on the meeting with Bill in a subsequent board meeting. Moreover, GWTC’s Statement of Activities for July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 includes the following: gross revenue of $198,977, total expenditures of $189,304, and net revenue of $9,673. It was noted that the club operates on a July 1– June 30 fiscal year. Additionally, David noted the absence of a 2020 budget and offered to present a budget proposal at the next board meeting.

 Chip Timing– Peg Griffin and Bill Lott

Bill reported that three races used chip-timing in the month of December 2019. Bill Hillison is expected to present the annual chip-timing report at the February board meeting.

 Equipment – Tec Thomas

Tec reported that the lights on the club’s trailer have been repaired.  Procedures, possibly a checklist or form, for those borrowing the trailer were discussed. Liability and insurance concerns were raised. It was suggested that the Committee on Contract Review further investigate these matters and produce a recommendation to the board.  In addition, the process for equipment request forms was discussed. It was suggested that the equipment request form process be automated and streamlined via GWTC website and noted that the new rental fees need to be posted to the GWTC website. Fees include $75 for the basic rental, $50 for the clock and chronomix, $200 flat for the deposit, and $50 for a separate deposit dedicated to fees and fines.

 Triathlete Club- John Sivyer

John highlighted that the St. Marks Duathlon is coming up on March 22, 2020. 

 Race Director – Mary Jean Yon

Mary Jean shared that the race directors will be meeting on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

 Newsletter – Robert and Kory Skrob

Robert reported that the second newsletter has been sent out and should be received in the mail by the end of the week. In addition, Robert will be attending the upcoming race director meeting to discuss race and volunteer promotion and would like to continue to emphasize the celebration of race volunteers.

 Trail Coordinator –Jim Halley

Jim reported that the Swamp Forest races (3) were held on January 4 and went well. It was asked whether the 2019 Summer Trail Series results were posted on the club website.

 Chenoweth Fund – David Yon

David reported that the Lincoln High School Track and Field Club has requested a $1,500 donation from the GWTC for new equipment. The committee recommended allowing $1,000 and a motion to make that donation was made, seconded and approved. A motion to make a $1000 the donation was made, seconded, and passed. David then highlighted that the bylaws call for five Chenoweth committee members. While the committee has been operating with six members, David Altmaier will be stepping down. It was suggested that the number of committee members be taken into consideration when board members revisit the bylaws.

 Training Groups – Thomas Biance

Thomas shared that the Springtime training group will be starting up on January 27, 2020. He noted that a Facebook event will be created soon, and annual waivers are expected to be addressed in the near future. 

 Website – David Yon

Nothing new to report.

 Youth Council – Kaari Guyas

Nothing new to report.

 Merchandise –Laura McDermott and Sherri Wise

Laura showcased the Tallahassee Marathon jacket and encouraged purchase of the jacket to help promote the marathon. Moreover, it was reported that new visors have been ordered and merchandise will be sold at the upcoming Tallahassee Marathon expo.

 Education and Lecture – Chris Stanley

No report.

 Social – Vicky Droze

No report.


 David shared that there has been a lot of momentum with schools following the Turkey Trot. Interest in getting more involved with the schools was expressed.  It was also highlighted that two youth training groups, a Tuesday night and Thursday night group run, persist through the school year. David suggested setting up a party for the youth runners and will revisit the topic in the next meeting. 

 A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:03 P.M.

Alyssa Moore, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315