for January 13 , 2021, Hosted by Paul Guyas via Zoom


Voting Members: Mark Priddy, Robert Skrob, Heather Vickers, Kat Sack, Paul Guyas, Brittney Barnes, Jerry McDaniel, Charlie Johnson, Judy Alexander, Peg Griffin, David Yon, Mary Jean Yon, Tina Bahmer and Herb Wills.

Non-Voting Members: Zach DeVeau, Keith Rowe, Bill Lott, Mark Tombrink, Dominic Milner and Kaari Guyas.

The meeting was called to order by Mark Priddy at 7:32 p.m. A quorum was established. The January meeting agenda was approved with no objection.

A motion to approve the meeting minutes for the December meeting was made, seconded and passed without objection.


Mike Boll Memorial
Jerry McDaniel announced that plans are underway to have a table placed at the Miccosukee Greenway – Edenfield entrance in honor of Mike Boll. The idea was proposed by Mike Peymann and will be funded by the Thursday Night Tempo Group.


Awards Ceremony
Mark Tombrink gave an update on the Awards Committee’s efforts to produce a video featuring the 2020 award winners. To date, two of five award presentations have been filmed: the Community Award (Casey Hutto) and the Volunteer of the Year (Keith Rowe.) Mark and Kat Sack are hoping to wrap up production soon and are also planning to include something in honor of Mike Boll and Charlie Yates.

Turkey Trot Wrap–Up
David Yon presented the budget wrap-up for the 2020 Virtual Turkey Trot which resulted in net proceeds of $11,879.22. Typically, the race proceeds are shared 50/50 with the beneficiaries of the race (the Refuge House, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Big Bend and the Kearney Center) and GWTC. David requested this requirement be waived to give the charities additional funds by splitting the proceeds equally among all four groups. In support of the proposal, David noted this has been done for several years because of the unique nature of the race which is held on Thanksgiving Day. A motion to split the proceeds of the 2020 Turkey Trot four ways was made, seconded and passed.

GWTC 30K/15K
Zach DeVeau updated the group on plans for the upcoming GWTC 30K/15K saying all safety protocols were in place and the race was full. A packet pick-up is scheduled for January 14 at Fleet Feet and race participants have been encouraged to pick up their race numbers then. The traditional trash pick-up was held on January 9 along the course and was very successful.

Youth Running
David Yon reported that he hopes to pursue the reinstatement of the SMIRF (Summer Mornings Include Running Fun) program this summer and is willing to head up the program. Kat Sack also expressed an interest in helping. Follow-up information will be sent to the board as it becomes available. David also mentioned current youth running events which are held on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings.


Flash 12K/6K Budget Approval
Keith Rowe gave a quick overview of his plans for the Flash 12K/6K which is scheduled for February 13, 2021. Registration has been capped at 100 participants and is quickly filling up. A virtual component is also included which Keith anticipates will grow once the in-person race reaches capacity. He presented a budget for the race which included anticipated revenues of $2,805 and expenses of $2,750 resulting in $55.00 net proceeds. A motion to approve the proposed budget for the Flash was made, seconded and passed.

St. Marks Duathlon
Charlie Johnson reported that the GWTC Tri-Club is changing the date for the St. Marks Duathlon to Sunday, October 10, 2021.


Treasurer – Peg Griffin
Peg provided the treasury report as of December 31, 2020. Assets were reported at $267,841.40 and Net Revenue was $19,633.06.

Triathlete Club – Tina Bahmer
Tina invited everyone to the Tri-Club’s Annual Awards Ceremony which will take place, via Zoom, on January 25, 2021. The guest speaker will be Mike Reilly, the official Voice of Ironman, who has a new book out titled “Finding My Voice.” Mike is a member of the Ironman Hall of Fame, the USA Triathlon Hall of Fame and the Running USA Hall of Champions.

Race Director Coordinator – Mary Jean Yon
Mary Jean reported that the GWTC Race Directors will meet, via Zoom, on Sunday, January 17, 2021.

Newsletter – Robert Skrob
Robert reported that a January issue of the Fleet Foot was published and welcomed any ideas or content for the next issue.

Membership –Mark Priddy
Memberships and households were reported at 1,073 and 555, respectively, as of January 13, 2021. These figures are compared to those at this time last year, which included 1,340 memberships and 717 households. There are also 241 Tri-Club members.

Diversity Committee – Chris Turner
No report.

Education and Lecture – Kat Sack
Kat shared that she is working on arranging a panel discussion on how races and training groups are proceeding during these COVID times. Potential speakers include Jillian Heddaeus, Zach DeVeau, Keith Rowe and others to be determined.

Trail Work Committee – Dominic Milner
Dominic shared that he is hoping to coordinate more trail cleanups and asked for any advice regarding COVID safety protocols.

Website – David Yon
David complimented Peg Griffin for the work she has done to freshen up and redesign the GWTC website. He reminded everyone that he and Peg are always looking for ideas and input regarding how to improve the site.

Chenoweth Fund – David Yon
David reported that all is quiet in terms of requests for assistance. Donations continue to come in as people renew their club memberships.

Merchandise –Laura McDermott and Sherri Wise
No report.

Equipment – Bill Lott for Tec Thomas
Bill reported that equipment was rented for a race in December 2020. A dead battery was discovered in one of the clocks rented out in December and is in the process of being replaced. The cost of the replacement battery is $36.00. No other equipment issues to report.

Chip Timing– Bill Lott
Bill reported that no races were chip timed in December 2020. One race (GWTC 30K/15K) is scheduled to be chip timed in January 2021 and one race (Flash 12K/6K) is scheduled to be chip timed in February 2021.

Trail Running/Racing Coordinator
No report.

Grand Prix Committee – Mark Tombrink
Mark reported that the committee is waiting to recommend whether the 2021 Grand Prix competition takes place. In addition, he will work with Mark Priddy to fill vacant positions on the committee as Thomas Biance and Meredith Snowden will be cycling off.

Volunteer – Lyssa Oberkreser
No report.

Training Groups – Tristan LaNasa
Tristan was unable to attend the meeting but followed up with an email sharing his COVID-19 Plan and requesting approval to move forward with Wednesday Night Intervals. A motion to allow Tristan to open up all training groups provided the club’s COVID-19 plan is in place and all participants sign the GWTC Training Groups Waiver was made, seconded and passed via email.

Youth Council – Kaari Guyas
No report.

Social – Vicky Droze
No report.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315