for July 10, 2024, Hosted by Peg Griffin

Voting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Mark Priddy, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Tom Perkins, Mary Jean Yon, Judy Alexander, David Yon, Elizabeth Kamerick, Allen Blay, Robert McNeal, Mark Tombrink, Herb Wills. Voting Members Absent: Debbie Peters, Beverly Harrell, Robert Skrob, Tina Bahmer. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Jack McDermott, Carter Hay, Charles Kelly.

I. Opening and Introduction:

Jerry McDaniel called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The minutes from the June 11, 2024 meeting were approved with one correction.

II. New Business:

a. Budget Proposal for Salute to Steve Prefontaine Forest Run 5K: Allen Blay presented the budget proposal. The race is a Youth Grand Prix race this year. He works with Scouting and they sponsor the EMT costs. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget proposal. Motion passed.

b. Budget Proposal for Pine Run 20K; Carter Hay estimated there will be about 145 runners this year. The profit is split between Tall Timbers and GWTC. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget proposal. Motion passed.

c. Budget Proposal for Tannenbaum Trail 6K: Herb Wills presented the budget proposal. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget proposal. Motion passed.

d. Budget Proposal for TUDC 50M/50K: Jack McDermott presented the budget proposal and indicated that the number of expected runners is anywhere from 40 to 80. The budget includes the cost of three police officers. The revenue will be divided between Friends of Wakulla Springs and GWTC. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget proposal. Motion passed.

e. Trail EMS Consideration: Jennifer Hay reported that Paula O’Neill informed her that she came across an injured cyclist (no helmet) on the Miccosukee Greenway. The EMTs took a long time to get there, and did not have a way to get him back to the ambulance. They called the Fire Department for help. Paula asked that the Board discuss the possibility of discussing this with EMS to have better service for runners and cyclists. Jerry agreed to bring this up in the meetings about the Greenway Management Plan. Mary Jean mentioned that for any trail race, the EMTs do bring a four-wheeler vehicle.

III. Announcements from Officers:

The club was asked to have a table at Cascades Park for the Summer Concert Series on July 20. Judy Alexander and Jerry McDaniel agreed to volunteer with a few others.

Jerry announced that one of the beneficiaries from the Springtime race was NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). They have signed up on the volunteer list and they also have sororities and fraternities that want to volunteer.

Jerry thanked Jennifer for the Running Shorts email that is sent to club members. She asked that Board members send her anything to be included in Running Shorts.

Jennifer wants the group run leaders to be able to use the GWTC Strava account. Jerry discussed this with Jeff Bryan, who started the account with Board permission. Members discussed possible solutions for managing this account. David Yon will talk to Jeff about the Strava account.

Jerry was contacted by RRCA contact Sarah Cosell. She indicated that GWTC and Tallahassee could apply to be a “Runner Friendly Community.” The initial application for this by GWTC about five years ago did not get selected.
Jerry announced that Geb Kiros and Tsige Tadesse are the new race directors for the Tallahassee Marathon.

Jennifer said that the Group Run Coordinators are doing a Plank Challenge on Facebook, and prizes are awarded. The next lecture/social event will be held on August 6th.

IV. Old Business:

a. Potluck Bash 4m Race Closeout: David Yon reported that 100% of the net revenue of $1,228.32 goes to the Chenoweth Fund.

b. Update on Miccosukee Greenway: Jerry McDaniel reported that he and Eric Draper attend the meetings and have argued for an elevated road over the Greenway to avoid destroying the beauty of the Greenway. Many members of Capital City Cyclists attended also. One other advocacy was to lower the classification of the road to include safety measures and speed bumps with a lower speed limit. The speed limit will be 25 mph on the road and it will be 10 feet wide instead of 12 feet. The flooding was not discussed much at this meeting.

c. The Marathon Budget was distributed to Board members by e-mail, and Board members voted to approve that budget. All of the money from the 2024 Marathon has not been received at this point, but is expected soon.

d. Issues raised at the Town Hall meeting in June:

1) Items of general concern: Excessive number of club races:

There are enough race directors at this moment and a Volunteer Coordinator, which is working well. The club races are identified on the race calendar as “GWTC” races, and there are many other community races on the calendar. Jack McDermott expressed concern that the number of races has increased over the years. Very few people agreed that this is a significant issue. Timely Release of Board meeting minutes: The minutes need to be approved by the Board before posting. Some of the issues can be conveyed to members through the Running Shorts e-mail. Jeanne will send the preliminary minutes to Jennifer to give her topics to be included in Running Shorts.

More Club socials and shorter lectures: Club members like to interact socially and possibly have pizza and drinks. The lecture/social format will be better received. Instagram Presence: Jennifer is currently working on this.

Race Director Workshops: The past Race Director Workshops were offered for non-Club members who were offering community races. Jennifer indicated that survey results showed that many people expressed an interest in serving on a race committee, and she has a list of these members. Many people are getting involved in working with club races, and the Race Director Workshops can be offered for club members and community members. David Yon and Jeanne O’Kon set up these workshops in the past and will make plans for a future workshop.

2) Items which require a change to the Constitution and Bylaws:

A committee will be formed to review the issues relative to the Constitution and Bylaws:  Number of Board members, Term limits for Board members, and All Board members elected.

V. Reports:

a) Treasurer: The fiscal year was closed on June 30, with net assets and net income. Peg presented the budget for the upcoming year. Two changes were made since then for the expenses of the Holiday Party and for Youth Running stipends. Also, the costs for the lecture/social events will come out of one budget category. An inquiry was made about a grant that shows up as expenses with $15,000 remaining. A question arose about the marketing cost of $5,000 in the budget. This money is used for t-shirts, printing, a tent, and other expenses. Motion was made and seconded to approve the 2024-2025 budget.

b) Triathlete Club: No report.

c) Race Director Coordinator: Mary Jean reported that a race directors meeting was held last Sunday. The newest race directors were introduced: Geb Kiros and Tsige Tadesse and Lauren and Chris Stanley. Danny and Allison Manausa will begin working with David and Mary Jean Yon on Turkey Trot.

d) Newsletter: No report.

e) Membership: Robert McNeal reported that there are currently 1295 individual memberships (1183 last year at this time), and there are 835 club memberships (679 last year at this time).

f) DEI: Nothing new to report.

g) Education and Lecture: The next event will be held on August 6 as a lecture/social on “Your Inner Dialogue” presented by a graduate student in Sports Psychology. The location will be Casa Grande restaurant. Another possible topic is Nutrition for Runners, and some names were suggested for possible speakers.

h) Website: The President’s Column has been added to the website.

i) Chenoweth Fund: Nothing to report.

j) Merchandise: No report.

k) Equipment: Bill Lott reported that the display and printer batteries in one of the Chronomixes were replaced. There are no other equipment issues at this time.

l) Chip Timing Report: In June, one non-Club race (Monticello Kiwanis Club 5K Watermelon Run) and two Club races (Great Potluck Bash 4-Mie Prediction Run; and Summer Trail Series Race #2 – Redbug Trail) were chip timed. For July, one non-Club race (Kiwanis Firecracker 5K) and one Club race (Summer Trail Series Race #3 – Swamp Forest Trail) will be chip timed. All three races that are scheduled to be chip timed in August are Club races (Breakfast on the Track One Mile; Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K; and Summer Trail Series Race #4 – Maclay Gardens).

m) Grand Prix: Nothing to report.

n) Social: No report.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 p.m.

Jeanne O’Kon, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315