for June 14, 2023, Hosted by Jo Lena PaceVoting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Jeanne O’Kon, Mary Jean Yon, Jo Lena Pace, Robert Skrob, David Yon, Tom Perkins, Chris O’Kelley, Judy Alexander, Debbie Peters. Voting Members Absent: Peg Griffin, Lisa Unger, Allen Blay, Mark Priddy, Mark Tombrink, Eric Trombley, Tina Bahmer. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Carter Hay, Felton Wright, Tim Unger, Laura McDermott, Katie Sherron, Vicky Droze.
I. Opening and Introduction:
Jerry McDaniel opened the meeting at 7:02. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2023 Board meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
II. Old Business:
a. SMIRFS Update: David Yon reported the program is supported both by GWTC and the City of Tallahassee. They have averaged 40-50 kids participating per session with about 160 signed up.
b. Gadsden County Bicentennial 5K: Jerry reported that Jon Brown is planning a 5K race on July 4ᵗʰ. Gabrielle Gabrielli and Paul Guyas are assisting with the race. Bill McGuire will measure the course, and Bill Lott is advising them. Two race directors in Gadsden County will work with the race. (Late notice: This race has been postponed until sometime in the fall.)
III. New Business:
a. Equipment Rental Fees: Vicky Droze reported that the rental fees do not cover the cost of the storage. GWTC is currently “in the red” for the current rental fees: $75 for all equipment, but with the clock, rental is $125. The fees were raised by Tec Thomas years ago when he was the equipment manager. A motion was made to increase the equipment rental to $100 and to $150 with the clock. Motion was seconded and passed.
b. USATF Club Nationals Championship: Katie Sherron reported that the USATF Club Nationals XC race will be held on December 9ᵗʰ. This event is on the same day as the Ultra Distance Classic. Katie explained the team structure for ages 39 and Under and for 40 and Over. Matching singlets are required for a team. A team consists of five members and the top three members score. Team members must be USATF members ($55) and produce their birth certificates. She would like to put a flyer in the Fleet Foot about it. A motion was made asking the club to cover the race registration fees, the USATF memberships, and singlet costs (total for 25 runners: $2750). There are commitments from some club members already. Motion was seconded and passed.
c. Marathon 2024 Proposed Budget: Felton Wright reviewed the numbers from last year and the proposed budget. Last year, 175 people registered in the last five days. There is a 5-12% increase in the budget due to increased costs. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget. Motion passed.
d. Ultra Distance Classic 2023 Proposed Budget: Laura McDermott reviewed the budget proposal. They estimate 55-60 runners or more will participate. Laura reviewed the costs for t- shirts and awards. The EMT costs are donated by Wakulla County. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget. Motion passed.
e. Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K Proposed Budget: Bill Lott reviewed the proposed budget. About 75% of the runners (ages 18 and under) run free. The estimated loss is $1600. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget. Motion passed.
f. Anonymous Annual Donation: Jeanne O’Kon reported for Peg Griffin. For three years, the Club has received an anonymous annual donation of $400-$430 to be used for youth running. This year, the funds are earmarked for the SMIRFs Program with the donor’s approval. David Yon indicated that the program can use the additional funds.
IV. Announcements from Officers: None.
V. Reports:
Treasurer’s Report: Peg sent a report stating that GWTC’s net assets are $234,620.24, and net revenue to date is $11,300.73. In addition, the proposed 2023-2024 annual budget was sent to Board members by e-mail in advance for review. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget. Motion passed.
Triathlete Club: No report.
Race Director Coordinator: Nothing new to report.
Newsletter: The submission deadline for the Fleet Foot is July 20.
Membership: Jo Lena Pace reported that the number of current members is 1174 (with 1264 last year at this time). The number of families is 675 (there were 704 last year at this time).
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: No report.
Education And Lecture: No report.
Web site: Nothing new to report.
Chenoweth Fund: David Yon reported that the Pot Luck Bash was a success. There is a vacancy on the Chenoweth committee because Toma Wilkerson has stepped down.
Merchandise: Laura McDermott sold $140 worth of club merchandise at the Pot Luck Bash.
Equipment: Bill Lott reported that the internal battery that powers the display on one of the Chronomixes was replaced at a cost of $3.99. At least one of the old ice chests is leaking and will likely need to be discarded and possibly replaced. There are no other equipment issues to report at this time.
Chip Timing: In May, the only race chipped time was the GWTC Summer Trail Series Race #1 – Red Bug Trail. During June, the Club’s Great Potluck Bash 4-Mile Prediction Run and GWTC Summer Trail Series Race #2 – Maclay Gardens will be chip timed, as well as the non-Club Monticello Kiwanis Club Watermelon 5K Run. For July, the GWTC Summer Trail Series Race #3 – Swamp Forest Trail Race and the non-GWTC Capital City Kiwanis Club July 4th Firecracker 5K are scheduled to be chipped timed.
Bill Lott announced that the FSU track is closed and undergoing renovation. The evening workouts take place at Harriman Circle for an 800-meter workout. In the future, the workouts may be moved to Cascades Park. There are restrooms and more parking, but it might be more crowded with people. Other venues were discussed as well.
Grand Prix: Lisa Unger sent a report stating that the Summer Grand Prix got off to a slow start with just a few participants, but the second week was better. Some discussion took place about whether the Summer Grand Prix series should be continued for club members. A large number of community runners of all ages participate in the Summer Track events every week, and the City of Tallahassee provides ribbons for the youth runners. Tom Perkins, Bill Lott, Perry Shaw, and Jeanne O’Kon continue to direct the Summer Track events.
Social: No report.
Motion to adjourn was made at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne O’Kon
GWTC Secretary
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