for March 8, 2023, Hosted by Lisa UngerVoting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Mark Priddy, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Tom Perkins, Mary Jean Yon, Lisa Unger, David Yon, Debbie Peters, Chris O’Kelley, Judy Alexander, Mark Tombrink. Voting Members Absent: Robert Skrob, Allen Blay, Tina Bahmer, Jo Lena Pace, Eric Trombley. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Bill Hillison, Keith Rowe, Kristen Summers, Beverly Harrell, Gabrielle Gabrielli.
I. Opening and Introduction: Jerry McDaniel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A motion to adopt the February 8, 2023 minutes was made, seconded, and passed.
II. Old Business:
Flash 12K/6K Closeout: Keith Rowe reported revenues of $4,300 and expenses of $3,233.81, for a net profit of $1,066.19. Keith requested that the net proceeds be split evenly between GWTC and Cure PSP resulting in $533.10 for each group. In addition, a total of $554 direct donations were made to Cure PSP bringing that organization’s total to $1,087.10. A motion to share proceeds with Cure PSP was made, seconded, and passed.
III. New Business:
Kristen Summers, the President of Sustainable Tallahassee, briefed the group on a new initiative called the Tally Trash Challenge. This community-wide program is intended to educate people about the importance of cleaning up trash and beautifying the environment. The program will take place on September 1-17, 2023, and people in the community will be asked to pick up a bag of trash as they go about their regular activities such as walking, running, etc. The idea is to instill individual responsibility in addition to large scale group cleanups that take place throughout the year. Sustainable Tallahassee is looking for community partners to help get the word out. The Tallahassee Mountain Bike Association has signed on and offers will be extended to other groups as well. A motion to have GWTC partner with Sustainable Tallahassee on the Tally Trash Challenge was made, seconded and passed. Offers were made to connect Kristen with the Fleet Foot editor and the GWTC Tri-Club to help spread the word.
Palace Saloon 5K Proposed Budget: Bill Lott and Tom Perkins presented the proposed budget for the Palace Saloon 5K scheduled for April 15, 2023. There is an anticipated revenue of $11,270 and expenditures of $10,089 for an anticipated net profit of $1,181. The race directors plan to share the revenues with the Parkinson’s Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Project in addition to GWTC. A motion to approve the proposed race budget was made, seconded, and passed.
Leon County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) Health/Wellness Fair: Mark Priddy mentioned that GWTC was once again invited to participate in the LCSO Health/Wellness Fair which is scheduled for April 13, 2023, at the Tallahassee Senior Center. Discussion ensued about the challenges associated with finding volunteers for these events and the overall value to GWTC for participating. A decision was made to not participate this year.
REI Grant Opportunity: Jennifer Hay briefed the group on her efforts to recommend GWTC for a grant as part of the Cooperative Action Fund by REI. The grants range anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000 and help REI accomplish its mission to promote and protect the outdoors and make outdoor spaces safe and accessible for everyone. Current grant recipients include the Apalachicola River Keeper and the Bicycle House. Jennifer would like to recommend GWTC as a grant recipient and is looking for any information to help her with the application.
IV. Announcements from the Officers:
Jerry McDaniel was approached by a representative of the Tallahassee Mountain Bike Association about having that group join GWTC for its annual Holiday Party. After some discussion, it was decided that Jerry will circle back and discuss certain details such as proportional financial contributions.
Jerry also mentioned that Patrick Koon, who runs for Leon High School, was recently named the 2022-23 Gatorade Boys Cross Country Player of the Year. As part of that honor, Patrick earned a $1,000 grant which he is donating to GWTC.
Jerry received a nice letter from Annelise Leysieffer thanking GWTC for our involvement and support with the Bowlegs 5K Run for Scholarship and One Mile Walk.
Jerry is still looking for volunteers to chair the following committees: Merchandise, Training Coordinator, and Volunteer Coordinator.
V. Reports:
Treasurer’s Report: Peg reported that as of February 28, 2023, net assets total $261,126.39, and there is a net revenue of $38,011.88.
Triathlete Club: Beverly Harrell, representing the Tri-Club, reported that the St. Marks Duathlon, which was held on March 5, went well and had 90 finishers. There were 69 finishers in the Open Division, 7 in the Fat Tire Division, and 7 Relay teams. The final numbers are not in yet in terms of finances.
Race Director Coordinator: Mary Jean Yon reported that the next GWTC Race Directors meeting will be held on March 19, 2023.
Newsletter: No report.
Membership: Jo Lena Pace reported that there are 1165 current members (1201) families 676 (664). The Google group has 81 members. The Springtime training group averages 35 people per week.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee: Gabrielle Gabrielli reported that the Soul of the Southside organization postponed their 5K until MLK weekend in January 2024, and they are having a fish fry instead on May 20 at Lake Anita. They’re expecting 800 seniors. They would love to have volunteers at this event to give out meals to seniors in a drive-by format. Jerry asked for additional information to provide club members with. The organization Black Girls Run won the water station award at the Marathon, and they plan to do a water station at Springtime.
Education and Lecture: Mark Tombrink reported that 12 people attended the Yoga Stretching session with Katie Devick. The participants enjoyed the experience. A lecture will be held the Thursday before the Palace Saloon 5K on April 13. Stan Linton will be the presenter and Gary Droze and Ann Centner will participate, also. Possible locations for this lecture event were discussed.
Web Site: Nothing to report.
Chenoweth Fund: Nothing to report.
Merchandise: No report. Jennifer Hay inquired about the club merchandise that is sold. The clothing coordinators are stepping down, and replacements are needed. The merchandise sales have increased since the clothing coordinators sell the items at races. Bill Lott reminded people that there is a link on the GWTC web site where clothing can be ordered.
Equipment: Bill Lott reported that approximately 14 small (18 inch) traffic cones went missing from the Marathon. Luckily, the missing cones were the older cones rather than the newer, better cones. A trailer dolly is now available for helping maneuver the trailer in and out of the storage unit. There are no other equipment issues to report at this time.
Chip Timing: Twelve antenna mat inserts have been ordered at a total cost of $5,225.00 with a cost breakdown of $4,500.00 for the inserts ($375.00 x 12) and freight at $725.00. In addition, there was a bank wire transfer cost of $25.00. Estimated delivery time is 6-8 weeks. The mat inserts and shipping costs were charged to the equipment fund, and the wire transfer was considered an administrative cost and charged to operations. In February, two Club races, the Tallahassee Marathon/Half Marathon/Marathon Relay and Flash 12K/6K, were chip timed. Also in February, the non-Club MAD 5K/1M were chip timed by Chris Gamache for GWTC. During March, the Shamrock Scurry 5K/1M, a non-Club race, and the St. Marks Duathlon, a Club race, were chip timed. Robert Skrob operated the timing equipment for the Cub for the Shamrock Scurry races. During April, the Club’s Springtime 10K/5K/1M and Palace Saloon 5K are scheduled to be chip timed.
Peg ordered mat inserts to replace the broken ones at a cost of $4500 plus $725 freight.
Peg added that there are two hot spots that are used to record data during races. She wants to get them off her data plan, so she opened a nonprofit plan with Verizon. It is limited data but it is sufficient. She replaced the devices that are used. She used the GWTC Treasurer e-mail address so it will stay with the club.
The new software was used for the Thomasville Road Baptist Church race, and it worked well. Bill Hillison asked the Board to form a short-term committee to review the timing of non-club races. GWTC charges a fee for non-club races, and neither Bill nor Peg are doing them right now. Volunteers are needed to do this timing if it’s going to happen. Bill is willing to serve on the committee, but other representatives are needed, and he anticipates that one or two meetings would be enough to provide information for the Board. Bill continues to be approached by organizations that need chip timing for their races. A motion was made and seconded to form such a committee. These people volunteered to serve on the committee: David Yon, Mark Priddy, Judy Alexander, Peg Griffin, and Bill Lott.
Grand Prix: Lisa Unger reported that the Mad Dash was the most recent Grand Prix race. Springtime is the next race. Debbie and Elizabeth are learning the scoring process now. Peg reported that last month, some races were added to the Youth Grand Prix schedule, and she wants to make sure that they appear on the GWTC web site.
Social: No report.
Tom Perkins announced that the 8-week Summer Track will begin June 1st and it is on the City’s calendar, The Maclay School track has been reserved.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne O’Kon
GWTC Secretary
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