for May 11, 2022, Hosted by Jeanne O'Kon at Lofty Pursuits

Voting Members Present: Mark Priddy, Heather Vickers, Jeanne O’Kon, Jo Lena Bryan, Mary Jean Yon, Lisa Unger, Stephanie Liles-Weyant, Judy Alexander, Kory Skrob. Voting Members Absent: Robert Skrob, Philip Sura, Peg Griffin, Kendrah Richards, Tina Bahmer, Paul Guyas, Tom Perkins, David Yon, Herb Wills. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Mark Tombrink, Bill Hillison, Sheryl Rosen, Tarik Noriega.

I. Opening and Introduction:
The meeting was called to order by Mark Priddy at 7:02 p.m. A quorum was not established. The agenda was approved without objection.

II. Old Business/Race Closeouts:
a) Palace Saloon 5K Closeout: Mark Priddy reported that the Palace Saloon 5K made a profit this time. The total revenue for the race was $12,694.27. After expenses, the net revenue was $4,210.55. This amount was split among the Parkinson’s Foundation (25%), Javacya Arts (25%), and GWTC (50%).

b) Springtime Closeout: Mary Jean Yon reported that the total revenue for the Springtime 10K/5K/1M was $31,629.69, and total expenses were $30, 270.80, resulting in a net revenue of $1358.89. There were direct donations to the Boys and Girls Clubs on the web site of $1,337.00. Race proceeds will be shared with the Boys and Girls Clubs once all sponsor checks have been received. Two checks have not yet been received. Mary Jean thanked Peg for her help in compiling this closeout.

c) SMIRFS Update: Mary Jean Yon reported for David Yon. The Summer Mornings Includes Running Fun (SMIRF) camp starts on June 6, and runs Monday-Friday starting at 7:45 a.m. until July 29. David is looking for volunteer coaches. He is working with the City of Tallahassee to be able to pay the coaches. There is some money in the Club budget under “Training” that might be used. A request was made to approve $300 for SMIRFs expenses. There are 17 participants registered right now, mostly middle and high school students. They run on the soccer fields off Miller Landing Road. Registration is available on RunSignUp.

III. New Business:
a) Tallahassee Marathon 2023 Proposed Budget: Sheryl Rosen reviewed the proposed budget for the 2023 Tallahassee Marathon (the first Sunday in February). She hopes to receive Visit Tallahassee Sport Event grant money to use toward the race. In the past, it has been in the amount of $5,000.00. All proceeds from the marathon go to the Club. The same course as last year will be used. Sheryl indicated that there were some unexpected increases in municipal costs for the 2022 Marathon. The total projected revenue for the 2023 Marathon is $80,516.36, with expenses estimated to be $76,852.35, resulting in a projected net revenue of $3,664.01.

b) Summer Trail Series proposed budget: Mary Jean Yon reported for Bobby York. The first of four events will be on May 28. The proposed revenue is $10,514.00 with a cap of 150 runners. Bobby hopes to clear approximately $2,190.00.

c) Proposed Budget for Pot Luck Bash: Mary Jean Yon reported for David Yon. The race will be an evening run at Forestmeadows. The total projected revenue is $5,917.00 and the total projected expenses will be $5,000.65. The profit will go to the Chenoweth Fund.

d) Bill Hillison: Timing non-Club races: Bill let the Board members know that he won’t be timing non-Club races after January 1st, 2023. Bill has timed almost every non-Club race that has been offered. The Club will lose revenue because of this. Bill is glad to help anyone learn how to use the timing equipment, and they can help at upcoming races. Bill will continue to trade off with Peg Griffin to time Club races. Peg Griffin has a list of other groups that do timing, but most don’t do chip timing. Board members felt that chip timing services for non-Club races shouldn’t be a money-making source of pressure for Bill and others on the timing team. Larger races like the Shamrock Scurry, Garnet & Gold, the Boston Half-Marathon, and others will be affected. It was recommended that the non-Club groups that have relied on GWTC timing be notified. Bill thanked Tarik Noriega for assisting with the Tails & Trails data entry last week. Mark Priddy thanked Bill Hillison for all of his hard work with timing, and he pointed out that some of the other Club members need to volunteer.

e) Mike Boll Mile Markers: Mark Priddy reported that the mile markers will be installed by the end of this month. Mike’s family donated $5,000 to have these markers up with a kiosk map, because GWTC meant so much to Mike.

IV. Announcements from Officers: None.

V. Reports:
1) Treasurer: Jeanne O’Kon reported for Peg Griffin. A balance sheet was provided to Board members by e-mail, showing the Club’s net assets. As of April 30, 2022 the total assets are $218,883.35. The net loss this fiscal year is $34,680.51. The net assets are approximately $62,4900 less than they were at this time in 2019.

2) Triathlete Club: Kory Skrob: The Tri Club will meet on May 16 and there are two guest speakers who will address bike and run safety.

3) Race Director Coordinator: Mary Jean Yon will hold a race directors meeting in the near future.

4) Newsletter: Kory Skrob reported that the deadline for the Fleet Foot is May 28. That will be a double issue for June and July. She asked for more nominations for the Volunteer Spotlight. Kory has a running list of those who have been featured previously that she will share.

5) Membership: Jo Lena Bryan reported that new members come in every day. There are currently 1267 members; last year at this time there were 978. There are 710 households; last year at this time there were 503. The Google group is growing and there have been seven posts. Board members asked about the Flyer Table as a way of recruiting new members, but Bill Lott pointed out that nearly everything is done online now.

6) Diversity: Mary Jean reported for Danny Manausa. The IRC (International Rescue Committee) may be revived again, with two weeks at Cascades Park, and attend the Summer Track events the next week, alternating the schedule. David Yon and Danny Manausa are still involved with the committee. Danny is working on a budget to get approved by the Board. Mark Priddy pointed that that partnering with a local school is a way to start a small running group. This was done previously with the Boys and Girls Club. Mark reported that Chris Turner has resigned as the committee chair, and Mark sent a letter to Chris, wishing him well. Someone is needed to chair that important committee and Mark is open to suggestions. It fits into the Club mission of getting more people involved in running. Jeanne O’Kon reported that Gabrielle Gabrielli is willing to serve on the Diversity Committee.

7) Education and Lecture: Judy Alexander has Gary Droze lined up to be a speaker in early June. He spoke to the Tri Club at their last meeting.

8) Web Site: No report.

9) Chenoweth Fund: No report.

10) Merchandise: No report.

11) Equipment: Bill Lott said there are no equipment issues. 12) Chip Timing: In April, two Club races (Springtime 10K/5K1M and Palace Saloon 5K) and two non-Club races( Garnet & Gold 4 Miler and Rose City 10K/1M) were chip timed. During May, one Club race (Summer Trail Series Race #1- Swamp Forest Trail) and one non-Club race (Tails & Trails Half Marathon/10K/5K/1M) will be timed. For June, two Club races (Great Potluck Bash 4M Prediction Run and Summer Trail Series Race #2 – Redbug Trail) and two non-Club races (Monticello Kiwanis Cub Melon Run 5K and Paul Hoover Memorial Freedom Run 5K) are scheduled to be chip timed.

12) Grand Prix: Mark Tombrink reported that Tom Perkins requested that Miller Landing Madness 8K and 5K be added to the Grand Prix. The 3K will remain on the Youth Grand Prix. The Grand Prix Committee approves of this change.

13) Social: No report.

Lisa Unger thanked Kory Skrob for the good coverage of the Gate-to-Gate race in the newsletter. More volunteers are needed for the Summer Track 8-week event, and Kory said that a notice can be placed in the Fleet Foot to recruit more volunteers.

Mark Priddy listed the items that still need approval, since a quorum was not established at the meeting, including the April, 2022 minutes and the proposed budgets. Mark will send an e-mail to Board members tomorrow so that they can vote on the minutes and the proposed budgets.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

Update: The following agenda items were approved via email by board members on May 12, 2022:
Approval of the April 13, 2022 meeting minutes
Palace Saloon 5K Closeout
Springtime 10K/5K/1M Closeout
SMIRFs expenses of $300
Tallahassee Marathon Proposed budget
Summer Trail Series Proposed budget
Pot Luck Bash Proposed budget
Grand Prix decision to add the Miller Landing Madness 8K and 5K to the 2022 Grand Prix.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne O’Kon


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315