October 11, 2006 Business Meeting Hosted by David and Mary Jean Yon

Board/GWTC Members present: David and Mary Jean Yon, Beth Alexander, Charlie Yates, Fred and Margarete Deckert, Joe and Nadine Dexter, Bill Lott, Peg Griffin, Lisa Unger, Bonnie Wright, Paul Ahnberg, Tom Perkins and Bill McGuire.

David Yon called the meeting to order at 7:42 PM and quorum was established. The September minutes were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote to accept the minutes as revised.

New Business:

Bill McGuire presented the slate of officers for the 2007 election. He suggested including a paragraph for all candidates in the election mailing. The new slate includes President: Mary Jean Yon, Vice president: Paul Ahnberg, Treasurer: Gene Opheim and Secretary: Beth Alexander with Board of Directors (5 positions): Judy Alexander, Bob Asztalos, Gordon Cherr, Mae Cleveland, Nadine Dexter, Terry Massa, Keith Rowe, Tara Stalnaker, and David Yon. Jeanne O’Kon and Peg Griffin will serve as members on the election committee. A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate as presented.


Race Director Coordinator — Charlie Yates reported that both Bowlegs5K and GWTC 30K have designated the same day as their race date. Since two Club races cannot have the same date, he will coordinate with the race directors to fix this situation. Peg Griffin suggested a list serve for race directors that Charlie can contact with race dates as they are set and change throughout the year. An October race on campus, Habitat for Humanity, was cancelled since it fell on same date as home football game; no permit could be obtained.

Race Director —Lisa Unger reported the Women’s Distance Festival earned money. Since the profit was small, a motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously for the Club to match funds donated to the Brehon Institute. Peg Griffin presented the budget for the Ultra Distance Classic. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the budget as presented. Judy Alexander reported she is working to increase the number of participants in the 1 mile race at Springtime. She is collaborating with the Boy and Girls club on this. David Yon reported that Bill is securing musical talent for the Turkey Trot Music Fest.

Membership — Peg Griffin reported that there are currently 719 members represented by 412 households. She wants to send out a flyer first class to renew memberships.

Grand Prix Committee — Lisa Unger presented the revised Children’s Grand Prix race schedule. After discussion, it was suggested that a 5K option be added to the Run for the Cookies, the Women’s Distance Festival, and the Turkey Trot.

A motion was made to accept the Children’s Grand Prix schedule as amended, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote. Treasurer’s Report — Bonnie Wright reported she transferred suffix 4 to 5. Suffix 0 will go to 5 also. Bonnie will check on the CD rates since a CD will mature soon.

Chenoweth Fund — David Yon reported the Aucilla Christian academy requested $350 to travel to prestate meets. A motion was seconded, and passed unanimously.

Clothing Coordinator — Margarete Deckert sold 4 shirts.

Newsletter — Fred Decked no report. He raised the question if the Club wants to collect fees via a credit card machine. He has acquired a free machine. He thinks this will provide an easier way for some to register for races or renew Club membership, however, he realizes a responsible person would need to take charge. A drawback is the 3% processing fee collected by banks. Fred will collect more information and report back to the Board.

Training Committee — Nadine Dexter reported the sixth running class was this evening. October 25 is the last class which will conclude with a party and the Board is invited to attend.

Equipment — Joe Dexter sold the trailer. He reported he purchased a new clock, 2 stands, and printer timers.

Social Coordinator — no report.

Lecture Series — Nadine Dexter proposed inviting the Chi running authors to give a lecture and workshop. She will collect more information about details including costs and report back.

There was a motion to adjourn at 9:12 PM, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

The next board meeting will be held on November 8, 2006 hosted by Joe and Nadine Dexter.

These minutes have not been reviewed and accepted by the Board.

Beth Alexander, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315