Pre 5K: The Silver Anniversary at Silver Lake, 2000
By Jeff Doherty, Race director 1995-2000The 25th annual run in the Apalachicola Forest was the finest I have ever put on in my six years of directing this race. A few weeks prior to this year’s event, Gordon and Helene visited us. The storms were very talented with the winds they whipped up. In two places along the trail, tires were stacked completely across the trail providing a new twist to this ever-changing race. Also included in this year’s series of jumps was a `64 Ford Falcon rear differential. How many of you can say that you jumped over an axle?
All in all, we had a total of 169 finishers, 74 more than the average turnout. I am stepping down after 6 years at the helm and will turn it over to an able bodied fellow GWTC member. I want to thank Fred Tedio at Uptown Café for his traditional donation of Congo bars. I also want to thank my family for their devotion to this run as well. They volunteered each year for registration/finish results and traffic control. Next year I will enjoy participation in this event and will be relieved of directors fear, you know the kind of fear that strikes all race directors…. what if no one shows up? Happy trails and see you next year.