President's Column - December 2023
Jerry McDaniel, PresidentAs you read this letter, we will be into December of 2023 and closing out my first year as President of the club and last column. This necessitates a look back on the year for me to see whether the club has back-tracked, stalled, or moved forward from some of my originally conceived concerns. A look back at my first column in January revealed some goals which included: a better means to communicate (preferably a single means), alternative/more user friendly timing systems to encourage more volunteers, bring a younger contingent into club leadership, encourage more volunteerism across the club, ensure the club reestablished a firm financial status, and stay open to new ideas from all members. I can say we have made substantive improvement in some areas and continue to struggle in a couple of others, but 2024 will bring about some changes that may facilitate improvements in some of the areas that we continue to struggle. First, the areas that we continue to struggle. Communication for all club activities continues to be a challenge. We use Facebook, RunSignUp, and a Google email account, predominately, for communication. I have to say they all have their pros and cons, but none work perfectly well so we will continue to work on this one. Volunteerism has historically been the bane of most race directors’ existence. Both Jennifer and I have maintained a steady drumbeat on this one as we are both race directors. Some light at the end of the tunnel I believe. At the November meeting, the Board voted to replicate in concept what the tri club has used effectively for years. Mandatory volunteer time to be eligible for participation in the grand prix. This will come into being in 2024 – guidance to be issued by the Grand Prix committee. In terms of bringing a younger contingent of Board members into the fold, recent elections show a reversal of this desire. We have made significant strides on timing this year, coming from timing zero non-Gulf Winds races for a period, to where we now can respond positively to such requests and provide timers and set up. This turnabout is due in large measure to the purchase by the club of a more user-friendly timing system and recruitment and training by Board and club members. The club’s financial status is solid. Concerns were registered and cost cutting measures were considered as the financial picture dipped a bit during the peak Covid time frame. The running community at large has returned to races, race directors have updated entry fees, sponsors are sought for the larger races, GWTC equipment is being rented out and merchandise is being sold – all of which contribute to a solid financial picture for the club as we enter 2024. Lastly, in terms of being open to new ideas, I believe Jennifer and I along with the Board have entertained a vast array of ideas for the betterment of the club, of which some were implemented if there were no impediments and some not. This year, we updated and strengthened the club’s financial and internal controls, established a good working partnership with REI, moved(moving) club merchandise to a climate controlled facility, voiced concern in person and writing to protest roads crossing greenways and trails, a Legacy page was added to the club website to memorialize deceased GWTC members; a GWTC Group Run page was added to Facebook. Numerous more nuanced changes to club business and activities were activated as well. Key players in the work above in running the core functions of the club include: Race Directors and Coordinators, Membership Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Lecture Coordinator, Social Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Tri Club President, Past President, Equipment and Merchandise Managers, a Racing Team Coordinator, and a slate of Director’s at Large. The amount of work all these folks do is mind boggling! Jennifer and I are proud to have worked with this group this year and look forward to another year of productivity! My assessment is that the club has moved forward this year thanks to the efforts of this group of hard working and dedicated individuals! Thanks to all!
Vice Presidents Column February 2025
If someone had told me seven years ago that I’d be VP of a track club and writing an article about how much I love running, I would have told you that was crazy. I never ran until January, 2018 – running was a necessary evil of ‘real’ sports like soccer and tennis. My...
Presidents Column January 2025
There is this program that I listen to some weeks on NPR that the hosts always begin by sharing the the best news they have heard all week. Well the best GWTC news I have heard all week was the announcement by Race Directors Jack and Laura McDermott just prior to race...
Presidents Column December 2024
This is my last article as your vice president. I don’t know how I let Jerry talk me into sharing the President’s letter responsibilities with him, but I’m glad he did. I liked having a way to make his presidency a smidge easier because I’m confident I made it harder...
Presidents Column November 2024
Enjoying the cooler fall weather, which at the GWTC means election time in tandem with local and national elections, Turkey Trot, the 5/10 Mile Challenge, the Ultra and then Tannenbaum to round out the year! Hoping I can run some some of these as I have been suffering...
Presidents Column October 2024
My entry into the race directing world happened in a rather random way more than a decade ago—2012ish. My favorite partner in crime on the DeSoto Trail PTO board, Amy O’Kelley, and I declared that carnival hosting wasn’t our thing and decided to start a 5K as the...
President’s Column September 2024
Fall is Coming!! September always signals the start of lots of racing and used to signify an almost guaranteed break in the weather with a cool front or two blowing through. This would ensure that at least one or two of the three signature September GWTC races could...
President’s Column – August 2024
One of my favorite things about our recent member survey is seeing how much y’all value the GWTC running community. It sounds like most of you are having fun working together to be your best self. (There are a few lone wolves out there who said they’re just in it for...
Presidents Column June-July 2024
I subscribe to Popular Mechanics magazine. While the name is a bit of a misnomer in my view, I mostly have a subscription because my Dad always had one. There are always interesting articles, but the magazine starts out with a section called “Can’t Stop Thinking...
President’s Column – May 2024
Jerry and I have spent a lot of newsletter space telling you how much we value Gulf Winds Track Club and its members. We’ve talked about our fave GWTC memories, group runs, races, volunteering, youth programs, and superstars. Now, we want to hear from you. GWTC is...
President’s Column – April 2024
First and foremost on my mind this month are the Springtime Races, which Jackie and I direct. All is well at this point due in some measure to a new Volunteer initiative of the club’s(more on that in a bit), but also due to the marketing efforts of Jon Brown and the...