President's Column - January 2023

Jerry McDaniel, President


Happy New Year and greetings GWTC members! I am the newly elected President of the Club and Jennifer is the Vice-President. I have asked Jennifer to share newsletter column duties with me for the duration of our time in office. I feel this will lend a more varied perspective on the club’s activities, priorities, challenges, and growth toward its mission. Little about me: Runner for some 47 years; cyclist for about the same; member of GWTC for around 25 years; have served on the GWTC Board 1 previous year; my wife Jackie and I directed the 30K/15K for a dozen years; Jackie and I are the new race directors for the Springtime 10K/5K/1M 2023; and I enjoy a variety of non-running outdoor activities. I still love racing and competition (when I’m not injured) and have raced all distances from the mile to the marathon. Some of my observations on needs that the Club might focus on and for which I hope to either accomplish or improve upon this year include: Determine if there is a better means to communicate to all club members via a singular media avenue. Looking at available race timing systems now available to determine whether an alternative to what we now use could be cost effective and more user friendly. The goal being to introduce more volunteer commitments to time races, thereby providing some relief to the few who do this now. Continue to work to bring a younger contingent into club leadership and club ranks generally. Encouraging more club members/ groups to volunteer for races to ease the burden on the few that are always there; possibly create a data base of volunteers. Work with the Board to ensure the Club’s financial health continues to improve as we continue to exit the Covid impact. Encourage and stay open to ideas from members. Jennifer and I have briefly spoken about some of these goals, but I am certain in the next newsletter she will share some of her perspectives as well. Lots of racing to be had in January which means, of course, the necessity for volunteers. I am especially aware that the Marathon needs help if you are able. Go to “”, click “community”, then “volunteer” and fill out the information. You will be contacted. Should you wish to be on the course to assist with traffic control particularly, go to go/NfLsqxy. This race requires 100 volunteers and is the most expansive race the Club puts on. If you are not running, please volunteer! Big thanks go to Mark Priddy and the last board for their efforts over the last couple of years in keeping this club running (pun intended) through some pretty difficult times. Happy New Year and I hope to meet as many club members as possible and hear your ideas.


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