President's Column - November 2024
Jerry McDaniel, PresidentEnjoying the cooler fall weather, which at the GWTC means election time in tandem with local and national elections, Turkey Trot, the 5/10 Mile Challenge, the Ultra and then Tannenbaum to round out the year! Hoping I can run some some of these as I have been suffering with a hip issue of late. What I will do for certain, however, is volunteer!
Assuming you all have seen summaries and even details of the recently revamped club bylaws. These have been posted to the web page and the Jennifer Hay creation – “Running Shorts”, which comes to you via email.
I do wish everyone that has even a mild interest in getting more involved in the club will consider getting involved with our governing Board. There are now 15 voting Board positions and a variety of non-voting positions that the President can fill. By the time this column comes out, the elections should be open and those vying for voting Board slots will be known. There are however, several non-voting positions on the Board that the President can fill, some of which are new, and I encourage you to peruse the new bylaws and let me know if you have interest. Board meetings last usually an hour and half and do not intrude on a family or member’s dinner hour (2nd Wednesday each month at 7:00). As an aside, anyone can attend Board meetings anytime. They are sometimes held at Board member’s residences and sometimes held at local restaurants that have a smaller and separate room. If you have interest in being considered, please reach out to me or any member of the Board, as we are always interested in new insights and perspectives.
Even if you do not wish to fill an “official” position associated with the Board, the Club hosts roughly 20 races a years and Race Directors are always looking for help for minor and major jobs. Noting that Jennifer introduced her foray into Race Directing last month, I’ll share mine. Now you might assume this was a slow migration of initially volunteering at races, morphing into larger and larger roles, peaking into stepping up to Race Directing, equipped with knowledge procured along the way. If you know me, you know that is not quite what I do – more impetuous you might say. Jackie and I were down, years ago at the St. George Island Sizzler, which I am not sure is even held any longer. This was a 5K held around 6:00 PM, middle of the summer and miserable. Jackie and I do the race and there was always a good post race party, in some years, held up stairs in the SGI fire station, with requisite beer and food. At some point, I mosey over to where Tom Perkins was sitting looking to chat him up. Shortly thereafter, I return to where Jackie was sitting and let her know that we are the new Race Directors for the 30K/15K! Jackie does not like me to hang out with Perkins so much anymore, even though I do, for I have assumed his role of late in unabashedly asking folks to Race Direct and help with the club (Geb Kiros steers clear of me – one of our new Marathon/ Half co-race directors). Seriously, there are a myriad of jobs with all races, big and small that directors would be eternally grateful to you for the help. I recently assisted the Hays, with the Pine Run and thoroughly enjoyed it. The small duties of just picking up ice on your way to a race, picking up awards or print work, errands – what have you… can take major worries off a race director’s mind, let you still run the race, and help out the club immensely!
I almost always have a side story with most races and I have to tell this one which is completely off point. At one of the earlier Sizzler Races and quite early in our marriage, I was lining up for the race. It was as hot as it could possibly be, and I noticed this younger guy (was told later he was a local roofer), bare foot, no shirt, smoking, and drinking a beer (pretty common sight on SGI). Then, as the race is about to start, he puts his beer down, balances his cigarette on top of the beer for later retrieval and gets in a crouch position as if it is a 100 meter track race. I sort of smirk, and the race gets underway – only this guy is out like a shot and after 3/4 of a mile seems to be pulling away! I start to think, Jackie will not be impressed with me getting beat by a bare foot, shirtless, inebriated, smoker. Thankfully at around 1 mile he pulls up and all ends well.
Hey, I would love to start a guest column in the Fleet Foot, where you can share stories of experiences you have had at local or traveled to races or other athletic endeavors. I know I have a ton of them and I think others would enjoy hearing of some of your good/bad/fun experiences. I have already asked several folks to contribute so be on the lookout in upcoming issues of the Fleet Foot. If you wish to write up an experience send to Robert Skrob (
Vice Presidents Column February 2025
If someone had told me seven years ago that I’d be VP of a track club and writing an article about how much I love running, I would have told you that was crazy. I never ran until January, 2018 – running was a necessary evil of ‘real’ sports like soccer and tennis. My...
Presidents Column January 2025
There is this program that I listen to some weeks on NPR that the hosts always begin by sharing the the best news they have heard all week. Well the best GWTC news I have heard all week was the announcement by Race Directors Jack and Laura McDermott just prior to race...
Presidents Column December 2024
This is my last article as your vice president. I don’t know how I let Jerry talk me into sharing the President’s letter responsibilities with him, but I’m glad he did. I liked having a way to make his presidency a smidge easier because I’m confident I made it harder...
Presidents Column October 2024
My entry into the race directing world happened in a rather random way more than a decade ago—2012ish. My favorite partner in crime on the DeSoto Trail PTO board, Amy O’Kelley, and I declared that carnival hosting wasn’t our thing and decided to start a 5K as the...
President’s Column September 2024
Fall is Coming!! September always signals the start of lots of racing and used to signify an almost guaranteed break in the weather with a cool front or two blowing through. This would ensure that at least one or two of the three signature September GWTC races could...
President’s Column – August 2024
One of my favorite things about our recent member survey is seeing how much y’all value the GWTC running community. It sounds like most of you are having fun working together to be your best self. (There are a few lone wolves out there who said they’re just in it for...
Presidents Column June-July 2024
I subscribe to Popular Mechanics magazine. While the name is a bit of a misnomer in my view, I mostly have a subscription because my Dad always had one. There are always interesting articles, but the magazine starts out with a section called “Can’t Stop Thinking...
President’s Column – May 2024
Jerry and I have spent a lot of newsletter space telling you how much we value Gulf Winds Track Club and its members. We’ve talked about our fave GWTC memories, group runs, races, volunteering, youth programs, and superstars. Now, we want to hear from you. GWTC is...
President’s Column – April 2024
First and foremost on my mind this month are the Springtime Races, which Jackie and I direct. All is well at this point due in some measure to a new Volunteer initiative of the club’s(more on that in a bit), but also due to the marketing efforts of Jon Brown and the...
President’s Column – March 2024
I spend a lot of time talking with people about running and walking and the role that being outdoors plays in our wellbeing. It’s a part of my job at REI that I really love, and it has become a bit of a passion as you can probably tell given all the energy I pour into...