Tired of the Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner?
Training GroupsGroups are great motivators to not only get people running, but to keep them running! And runners are certainly not limited to one group. Here are some quick facts about just a few of the running groups in this area. Check one or more of them out. For more information you can connect the link below or like the GWTC – Training Groups on Facebook.
David DeJesus Videos of an Evening with Jeff Galloway
GWTC Year-Round Training Groups
GWTC Reflection Trail Run – Sundays
- Organizer and contact: Rick Miller, rmiller@lawfla.com
- When: Through March 2025, every second and last Sunday, 6:30 p.m.; beginning April 2025, the group will meet every Sunday EXCEPT for the last Sunday of the month.
- Where: Tom Brown’s Lafayette Heritage Trail (501 Easterwood Dr). Meet at the West Cadillac Trailhead signpost.
- Main purpose or goal: 3 miles (January-June), 6 miles (July-December), canopied trail run to close out “the week that was” whether running as part of your training regimen or simply for fun
- Additional information: Afterwards grab a celebratory juice or drink and mingle with fellow runners at Whole Foods Market in Midtown.
GWTC Tuesday Morning Intervals
- Organizer or main contact: Gulf Winds Track Club, Gary Droze and Bill Lott
- How to contact: Gulf Winds Track Club website at https://www.gulfwinds.org. email: Gary Droze or Bill Lott.
- Main purpose or goal: planned, supervised workouts for runners intent on improving in distance races.
- Typical workout: Workout totals 3 miles, but changes each week so that runners are not doing the same workout each week. Vary from 3×1600.6×800, 4×1200 and more
- When and where: Tuesday mornings at Maclay School Track at 6:30 a.m.
- Number participating: 20-30
- Additional info: Open to the public, free of charge, and to runners of all abilities. The workouts are held all year around and runners should arrive early enough to warm up before the workout starts. Water is NOT provided, and participants should bring their own. Participants should be able to run at least 3 miles at moderate pace as a minimum fitness level.
GWTC Tuesday Evening Intervals
- Organizer or main contact: Gulf Winds Track Club, Gary Droze and Bill Lott
- How to contact: Gulf Winds Track Club website at https://www.gulfwinds.org. email: Gary Droze or Bill Lott.
- Main purpose or goal: planned, supervised workouts for runners intent on improving in distance races.
- Typical workout: Workout totals 3 miles, but changes each Tuesday so that runners are not doing the same workout each week. Vary from 3×1600.6×800, 4×1200 and more
- When and where: Tuesday evenings at the Rattler snake head at the skate park on the Cascades Park Trail near Railroad Square, 6:00 p.m.
- Number participating: 20-30
- Additional info: Open to the public, free of charge, and to runners of all abilities. The workouts are held all year around and runners should arrive early enough to warm up before the workout starts. Water is NOT provided, and participants should bring their own. Participants should be able to run at least 3 miles at moderate pace as a minimum fitness level.
GWTC Midtown Midweek Miles – Wednesdays
- When and where: Wednesday, 5:30 a.m., Whole Foods Market
- Contact: Gulf Winds Track Club Training Groups Facebook page
- Main purpose or goal: To bring beginner and seasoned runners together for easy, conversational miles and to grow our running community.
Wednesday Evening Interval Group
- Organizer or main contact: Sam Howard
- How to contact: email: Sam Howard; Facebook
- Main purpose or goal: Running Intervals for a variety of speeds and abilities -Improve 5 or 10k running times.
- Typical work out: 3 miles of intervals on the track, with speed parts varying from 400s to 1 mile.
- When and Where: Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. (daylight savings time) or 5:30 p.m. (standard time), Harriman Circle Park
- Number of participants: 6 to 3 dozen.
- Additional information: Warmup beforehand and bring your own hydration.
Optimist Park Thursday Night Run Group
- Organizer or main contact: Chika Okoro and Tom Biance
- How to contact: Gulf Winds Track Club Group Runs Facebook page
- Main purpose or goal: A chance to run 3 miles through Indian Head Acres. We utilize the same course that is used for the Women’s Distance Festival and Nene Fest races. Our primary route can be viewed in the RunGo app. All paces are welcomed including run/walkers and walkers.
- When and Where: Optimist Park on Thursdays at 6 PM
- Number of participants: Usually 5 to 10
- Additional information: We are a friendly group that likes to have fun and meets up for dinner several times a year at locally-owned restaurants near Optimist Park after the run.
GWTC Seasonal Training Groups
Monday Night Springtime Training Group
- Goal for group: Free 7-Week Specific Training for Springtime 10K
- Duration: Approx 7 weeks; Starts February 10, 2025, and ends March 22, 2025
- Time:5:45 p.m.
- Location: Myers Park at the Picnic Pavilion overlooking the pool (904 Myers Park Drive)
- Preparation: Please be prepared to run 2 miles at your own pace on the first day
- Training plans: Training groups will be available for different groups based on the needs of the participants. It is expected to include groups for beginning, intermediate and advanced runners. There will be at least one Run/Walk group option available.
- The training run will begin with a two-mile loop that all runners will run the first week. More advance runners may add on miles by running extra loop(s). Additional miles will be added as the training run progresses.
- Helpful Hints: Be prepared to begin running at the starting time and be dressed appropriately with proper running shoes and reflective clothing. Running headlamps could be helpful as well. Running partners are encouraged, but solo runners are welcome as well.
- Requirements: No fees. We will be training on sidewalks and on the road on portions of the actual Springtime course. All participants are responsible for their own safety. Weekly run maps will be posted to the Facebook event page. All participants who follow the program will be able to successfully complete the Springtime 10K run.
- Participants are responsible for their own Springtime 10K entry fees and are also encouraged to join Gulf Winds Track Club.
- Participants must register on RunSignup.
- Contact: springtime10K@gmail.com for more info about the race.
- Have questions about GWTC Springtime 10K Training Group 2025? Contact springtime10K@gmail.com
GWTC Youth Runners & Striders, including SMIRFs – Winter
- Organizer or main contact: David Yon for Gulf Winds Track Club: email: david@radeylaw.com or text 850-321-8768
- Main purpose or goal: The purpose of this program, sponsored by Gulf Winds Track Club, is to provide opportunities for students in elementary, middle and early high school to improve their running skills and endurance. The program is recommended for students age 6 and above who can run at least one mile.
- When and Where: Monday and Thursday afternoons at 4:30 p.m., Forest Meadows Soccer Complex by the playground, 4750 N Meridian Rd
- Winter program begins January 4, 2024, and continues until February 28, 2024.
- Number of participants: 15-30 runners of varying skill levels per day
- Additional Information and Registration – RunSignup
GWTC Beginning Running Group
- Organizer or main contact: Elizabeth Kamerick and Brandy Fortune
- How to contact: gwtc_coaches@yahoo.com
- Main purpose or goal: To prepare the beginning or returning runner to complete a 5K (3.1 mile), either using a run-walk-run method or by continuous running
- Start Date: September 18, 2024
- Duration: We will meet as a group each Wednesday through November 13, 2024
- Time: 6:00 p.m.
- Location: Korean War Memorial at Cascades Park (1001 South Gadsden)
- Who: Everyone is welcome! We’ll start with the mile then gradually increase the goal distance each week.
- 3 Groups each week
- Run-Walk Only Group: These runners complete the goal distance each week using a set 1 minute run:1 minute walk ratio. This won’t change from week to week (i.e. Week 1 is 1:1 for 1 mile, Week 2 is 1:1 for 1.25 mile, etc.).
- Run-Walk-Run Group: Training Week 1 starts with a 1 minute run:1 minute walk – or 1:1 ratio – for 1 mile. Each week, the number of minutes running increases as the goal distance steps up (i.e. 1:1 for 1 mile, 2:1 for 1.25 mile, etc). These runners progress toward continuously running 3 miles by the 8th week.
- Running Only Group: These runners progress toward running 3 miles continuously with little to no walking by the 8th week. They will increase running distance by ¼-mile each week, without taking a walk break if possible, adding roughly 2 to 3 minutes to their running endurance per week.
- Note – Participants under age 14 must be accompanied on all runs by an adult.
- Register: Register and sign waiver on RunSignUp
- Training Plans – TBA
- 10 minute After Workout Stretching Routine. Free Online Flexibility Video
- Flyer: https://www.gulfwinds.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/BRG-flyer-2024-vOCT-FF-002.pdf
- For more information email gwtc_coaches@yahoo.com
GWTC Turkey Trot Training Group
- Organizer or main contact: Ashlee Blake
- How to contact: Ashlee Blake, Ashlee_FNP11@yahoo.com
- When Every Monday at 6:00 p.m., from September 30, 2024, until November 25, 2024
- Where: Four Oaks Park near Southwood – 5151 Four Oaks Boulevard, Tallahassee. We will meet near the volleyball courts near the School House Road entrance.
- Main purpose or goal: To help runners prepare for the Tallahassee Turkey Trot that will take place on Thanksgiving Day
- Additional Information: Cadence Running and the Winthrop Park Express Running Group will help provide pacers. We plan to have at least three groups with the following paces: lead group 9-10 min/miles, second group 11-12 min/miles, and a run/walk group. All paces and abilities welcome! Distance will be start around 2.5 miles and increase weekly. Routes will be posted on the GWTC Group Runs Facebook page and in the RunGo app.
- Restrooms and water fountains available in park.
Tallahassee Half Marathon Training Group
- Organizer or main contact: Monica Judd and Beshoy Kheir
- How to contact: Monica Judd or Beshoy Kheir
- When Saturdays from November 9, 2024 until January 25, 2025. Meet at 7:05am and start running at 7:15am.
- Where: Cascades Park by The Edison
- Main purpose or goal: To help runners prepare for the Tallahassee Half Marathon that will take place on February 2, 2025
- Additional Information: Goal is to have three pace groups. 9-10 min/miles, 11-12 min/miles, and a run/walk group. All paces and abilities are welcome! Distance will start around 3 miles and increase weekly. Routes will be posted on the GWTC Group Runs Facebook page and in the RunGo app.
- Restrooms and water fountains available in park.
Non-GWTC Affiliated Seasonal Training Groups
Sunday at Forest Meadows
- Organizer or main contact: Unorganized. David Yon or Felton Wright
- How to contact: email: David Yon; Felton Wright; Mary Jean Yon
- Main purpose or goal: Medium to long run.
- Typical work out: Group 1 5-6 miles, 10 minute pace, some walking. Group 2 10 miles at 8:00 minute pace. A lot of variation though
- When and Where: Start at Forest Meadows Tennis Club 4750 N. Meridian Rd. 7:30 a.m. on Sunday
- Number of participants: Group 1 – 4-6. Group 2 3-8
- Additional information: Run is mostly trails on Lake Overstreet Property, Maclay Gardens and the Phipps Park Property. Runners should either have a state park pass or contribute $2 to run around Lake Overstreet and Maclay Gardens.
Imitation Adults
- Organizer or main contact: Jay Silvanima and Nancy Stedman
- How to contact: Facebook.
- Main purpose or goal: Long run support for those doing near marathon training distance and longer
- Typical work out: Everybody does whatever they need to do according to their training program. We don’t run as a pack and there is no set pace, which allows for a wide variety of runners.
- When and Where: Sunday mornings, usually at 7:30 (except during the month of August). Where is announced each week on Facebook and GWTC list serve.
- Number of participants: Typically 15 – 30 people show up on Sunday mornings
- Additional information: We usually have a team or two at the local races that do the team thing.
- Organizer or main contact: Worth Corn and Erik Davis
- How to contact: Facebook ; http://www.workaddicts.net
- Main purpose or goal: To push and support others into reaching their goals and/or striving for goals they never thought possible, whether it’s on the run, the bike, in the pool, etc. All paces and levels are welcomed, including Beginners and Run/Walkers.
- When and Where: Mondays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. at Capital City Runners (Midtown). Many Sundays, location varies (announced in Facebook group). Other times/days/disciplines as well, as announced on Facebook.
- Number of participants: Usually 5 to 15 for runs. Other disciplines may vary.
- Additional information: workaddict(s) started as a community with a focus of encouraging and enabling individuals at various points of the fitness spectrum to achieve their goals. That community has become a family of folks who push each other, support each other, and celebrate each other’s successes as much as their own.